
Information about projects in which our Centre has been and is involved.

3-LENSUS (EC, 2009–2010)

3-LENSUS: Lifelong Learning Network for Sustainable Development The two main goals of the project are 1) networking universities with diverse actors in...

Agroecount (MoA, 2009–2011)

QH92295 The development of indicators for integrated economic and environmental accounting in agriculture The aim of the project is to develop a composite...

Alternative fuels (MoT, 2004–2006)

1F44E/022/210 The economy of implementation of alternative fuels in transport and possibilities of internalisation of external costs by transport in the...

Analysis of the transport behaviour (MoT, OP Infrastructure, 2006–2008)

Analysis of the daily transport behaviour of an adult urban population and regulation instruments The aim of the project is to analyse the daily transport...

Assets (GA UK, 2002, 2004–2005)

Evaluation of environmental assets with a focus on the subsoil assets 247/2002/A-EK/COZP (in 2002) and 275/2002/A-EK/COZP Analysis of accounting approaches...

Authentication of computation of the social value of woody plants (TA ČR, 2018–2021)

Authentication of computation of the social value of woody plants growing out of forest for the purpose of calculation of the extent of compensation measures...

Barriers for FSC in Czech forestry (TAČR Éta, 2020–2023)

Research and solution of barriers to the application of the FSC standard in Czech forestry

The project will help to understand the obstacles that prevent small and medium-sized forest owners from implementing the FSC standard of sustainable forestry and find solutions to overcome them. It will therefore contribute to the adaptation of Czech forests to the changing climate and the international timber market.

Biotops (TAČR Omega, 2016–2017)

Innovated restart of biotope valuation method (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2016-2017) The aim of this project is the innovation and extension of...

BlueAdapt (Horizon Europe, 2022–2026)

BlueAdapt - Reducing climate based health risks in blue environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens

GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.

Capacity building (ESF JPD3, 2005–2007)

Capacity Building for New Forms of Education Towards Sustainable Development and Support of Co-operation among Prague Universities in the Area Pilot ...

CASES (6th FP EU, 2006-8)

Full project name CASES: Cost Assessment for Sustainable Energy Systems The aim of the project was to assemble coherent and detailed estimates of external...

CECILIA2050 (7th FP EC, 2012-2015)

CECILIA2050: Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe's 2050 climate targets

CEVOOH (TAČR, environment for living; 2023–2026)

Centre of environmental research: Waste management, circular economy and environmetal secutiry

The aim of the project is to build a long-term, professional, interdisciplinary, research base made up of key research organizations with experience and expertise to carry out research in the field of waste and circular management in a broader context. The Center will provide the Ministry of the Environment, other ministries, expert platforms and other entities with research results, dissemination of scientific knowledge and expert support in policy making, strategies and regulations.

Clean Mobility (TAČR Beta, 2013-2014)

Economic evaluation of mobility in order to minimize the risk of emissions Analysis, comparison and evaluation of impacts of emissions from different...

COACCH (H2020, 2017–2021)

CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs – COACCH (H2020, 2017–2021) COACCH will develop an innovative science-practice and integrated approach to...

Cooperation of Municipalities to Improve the Quality of Public Service using Local Agenda 21 as a Qualitative Method (MPSV, 2015–2021)

The aim of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of municipalities and regions in the field of strategic management and communication....

Cycle 21 (MoT, 2004–2008)

1F43E/045/210 The analysis of requirements to build the cycling infrastructure in the Czech Republic As a first research project of this kind, it conducts a...

Developing Hybrid Modelling Framework for Regulatory Impact Assessment: CGE-TIMES (GAČR, 2018-2020)

Hybrid: Developing Hybrid Modelling Framework for Regulatory Impact Assessment: CGE-TIMES The project develops a Hybrid Modelling Framework for...

E-learning in environmental education (MoEd, 2005)

Information environment for the development of e-learning in environmental education The aim of the project lies in creating an information base for...

E-V-Learn (MoE, 2008–2010)

SP/4H6/142/08 Proposal of updated learning modules, developed using the computer supported methods (e-learning) and introduction of evaluation mechanism for...

ECHA-WTP (ECHA, 2012-2013)

ECHA-WTP Willingness to pay to avoid selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals Stated-preference study to examine the economic...

ECOCEP (FP7 EC, 2014–2017)

New project on research mobility "Economic Modeling for Climate - Energy Policy"

ECONADAPT: The economics of climate change adaptation (FP7, 2013-2016)

The aim of the ECONADAPT project, funded by the EC DG Research and undertaken by a pan-European consortium led by the University of Bath, is to provide...

Education for the Future (TA ČR, 2019–2020)

Education for the Future In year 1 we will map arts-integration pedagogies in CR and review the state of the art in ESD competences and arts-sustainability...

Effect of general attitudes on specific behavior: Campbell's paradigm and theory of planned behavior (2014-2015)

The use of pricing mechanism for tourism directing and financing the management of specially protected areas in the Czech Republic The project aims at...

Ensuring Quality of Open Education Resources (TA ČR, 2019–2021)

Ensuring Quality of Open Education Resources: How to Create and Use Open Access Materials with Regards to its Quality The aim of the project is to create a)...

Envigogika (2006– )

Envigogika – peer reviewed scientific on-line journal

Envigogika is a specialist peer-reviewed professional open access periodical published by the Charles University (Prague). The journal publishes original academic papers and additional informative articles from the field of environmental education (EE), education for sustainable development (ESD) and also from other related areas. Journal is registered in the ERIH PLUS database, DOAJ database and has DOAJ Seal of quality.

ENVIMPACT (7th FP EC, 2011-2013)

Increasing the impact of Central-Eastern European environment research results through more effective dissemination and exploitation The main objective of...

Environmental Basics, a Multimedia Textbook for Environmental Education (HEDF, 2004–2005)

FRVŠ 1124/2005 Environmental Basics, a Multimedia Textbook for Environmental Education EnviWiki web-based environmental encyclopaedia – freely accessible...

Environmentally significant behaviour in CR (GA CR, 2008–2010)

GA403/08/1694 Application of the model of environmentally significant behavior in the Czech Republic This project aims at empirical testing of models of...

Enviwiki (2007– )

Enviwiki – on-line knowledge base for interdisciplinary education of problems of environment and sustainable development

Enviwiki is a on-line platform - knowledge base - devoted to education oriented on problems of environment and sustainable development. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in Czech universities: it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. Published articles can be used both by teacher and students also in primary and secondary schools.

ESD:SuperVision (Erasmus+, 2020–2023)

ESD:SuperVision - qualification and further training for consultants for the implementation of ESD in school curricula

The aim of ESD:SuperVision is on the one hand to create the conditions for the development of high quality and cross-curricular school materials for secondary education on the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) and to make them available under a creative commons license.

ESDIns (7th FP EU, 2008–2011)

ESDIns: The Development of Indicators & Assessment Tools for CSO Projects Promoting Values-based Education for Sustainable Development The aim is to...

EUROSTAT RME (Eurostat, 2023–2025)

Updating, application, and further development of models to estimate raw material equivalents (RME models)

The project quantifies the EU's material footprint, which is then published on Eurostat's official website. We developed the method we use more than ten years ago and are still refining it and updating the results.

External costs of electricity and heat production (MoE, 2003–2005)

SM/320/1/03 External costs of electricity and heat production in the Czech Republic and methods of their internalisation The principal goal of the project is...

FE3M (GACR EXPRO, 2019–2023)

Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling

This research aims at pushing the frontiers of research on energy economics and modelling. We examine the causes of the energy efficiency gap, focusing on adoption and substitution of energy durables by households, and investigate to what extent consumers are willing to provide some flexibility to the energy system through demand response. 

GACR - Competence based innovation and quality enhancement in higher education (for sustainable development) (2014 – 2016)

The project focuses on the interface between science and policy in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and possibilities of quality enhancement in...

GEMCLIME – Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy (H2020, 2016–2021)

GEMCLIME focuses on energy economics and climate change. It covers the drivers of climate change, the examination of climate change and energy-related risks...

GEOCEP (H2020, 2022–2026)

Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP)

GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.

Global Environmental Consequences Of Household Consumption (GAČR, 2017–2019

 The central goal of this project is to analyze the environmental consequences of European household consumption. We aim to develop and apply a novel...

Global human appropriation of net primary production from the consumer responsibility perspective – HANPP Footprint (GA ČR 2014-2016)

The aim of this research project is to identify the link between human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) and final consumption of goods and...

Green Logistics (TAČR Éta, 2019–2022)

Green logistics: Tools for assessment of effects of environmental attributes on the demand for logistic services To promote supply of pro-environmental...

Greenhouse gas emissions (CHMI, 2001– )

Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Czech Republic

The Center is involved in the national inventorying system, co-ordinated by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. It is responsible for annual inventorying of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector applying the IPCC methodology.


Microeconomic, Econometric and Meta-Analysis Framework for Investigation of Unintended Effects of Climate and Energy Policies

HEIMTSA (6th EU FP , 2007–2011)

HEIMTSA: Health and environment integrated methodology and toolbox for scenario assessment   The aim of the project lies in development and application...

ICELAND 2016 (EHP Grants, 2016)

Potential for sustainable tourism in ecologically sensitive regions The project will establish institutional cooperation, develop joint research program, and...

Impacts of the Temelín nucleat PP on the population (MoEd, 2002–2008)

Socio-ecological and psychological impacts of the Temelín nuclear power plant on the population The objectives of the projects can be summed up as building...

Improving predictive validity of valuation methods by application of an integrative theory of behaviour (GA ČR, 2015–2017)

The objective of this project is to improve predictive validity of stated preference valuation methods by application of an integrative model of behaviour.

INDI-LINK (EU 6th FP, 2006–2009)

INDI-LINK: Indicator-based evaluation of interlinkages between different sustainable development objectives  The project had a number of issues and...

INHERIT – INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions (EC H2020, 2016–2019)

INHERIT is an 18-partner research project about defining effective inter-sectoral policies that promote better health and greater well-being across social...

IP EXIOPOL (6th EU FP, 2007–2010)

IP EXIOPOL: A New Environmental Accounting Framework Using Externality Data and Input-Output Tools for Policy Analysis The EXIOPOL IP has 3 principal...

ISPoS (DBU, 2010–2012)

ISPoS: Interdisciplinary Study Program on Sustainability In this two side project will be prepared 3 common e-learning courses for students of Czech...

Kohoutková (TA ČR, 2020–2023)

Tap Water or Bottled Water: Barriers and Motivations to Consume Drinking Water

The project aim is to identify motives and barriers to tap water consumption in the Czech Republic and ways to overcome the barriers.

LADEM (TA ČR, 2024–2026)

Laboratory for the design and testing of methodological approaches for developing teachers‘ competences in education for a sustainable future

The project will explore the possibilities of applying competences for sustainable development in the Czech education system - it will provide evidence for considering them as educational objectives, offer possibilities for their assessment as expected outcomes. It will test and reflect innovative educational strategies and methods that contribute to their development.

LESY (TA ČR, 2019–2023)

Modelling of Sustainable Forestry Scenarios Contributing To Climate Change Adaptation – Examining the Impacts on Energy Sector and GHG Emissions in the Czech Republic and Public Acceptability of These Scenarios by Czech population – LESY

The aim of the project is to identify forest development scenarios, options to implement adaptation strategies in forestry and to analyze impacts on energy, emission balance and the acceptability of given scenarios by the Czech public.

LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited (LIFE, 2019–2026)

LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited - Integrated LIFE project for the Natura 2000 network in the Czech Republic

The main objective of the LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited project is to establish a more effective management system for Natura 2000 network sites in the Czech Republic. The aim is to link appropriate management more effectively with corresponding planning, based on accurate assessments of status and trends of the target features, accompanied by cooperation with land users. The project will effectively utilise knowledge of the benefits provided by natural capital to society and take into account relevant costs. The project will also support regional authorities, municipalities and land users to help them mobilise their own resources, including recommendations for the EU 2027+ programming period.

MA21 (MPSV, 2021–2023)

Cooperation of municipalities to improve the quality of public administration using the MA21 method

The aim is to strengthen the institutional capacity of municipalities and regions in the field of STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION based on the MA21 quality management method. Methodological procedures and tools for USCs will be systematically developed (basis for comprehensive strategic management, professional communication with citizens, project evaluation tool, integration of quality management systems, expert evaluation of MA21 procedures and outputs, sharing of good practices). All findings and outputs will be prepared and used for training of municipalities and regions.

Material and energy flows (VaV MoE, 2008–2010)

SP/4I2/141/08 Monitoring and assessment of interlinkages between environment, economy and society by means of material and energy flow indicators The project...

Material flows and sustainable resource management (VaV MoE, 2004-5)

1C/7/14/04 Material flows and sustainable resource management The project focused on the assessment of usability of the indicators of material flows for...

Material system analysis - MSA (DG Enterprise and Industry, 2013-2015)

New project, which aims to build a complete analysis of material flows for 22 materials.

MATISSE (EU 6th FP, 2005–2008)

MATISSE: Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment Within the project a conceptual framework and methodology for integrated sustainability...

MEFA (GA ČR, 2004–2006)

GA205/04/0582 State assesment of the environment by the material and energy flow analysis The project focused on analysing incremental material stock in the...

Metabolism (GA ČR, 2008–2010)

GA205/08/1475 Analysis of requirements of socioeconomic metabolism of the Czech Republic for energy, materials and land in perspective of historical...

MFA – Anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic: Analysis of structure and trends and opening a black-box of the physical economy (GAČR, 2016–2018)

The project has two major goals: 1) To develop an input-output model tailored for calculation of raw material equivalents and to analyse structures and...

MFA (CSF, 2012-2014)

P402/12/2116 Various aspects of anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic

MFA (TACR, 2012-2013)

TD010146 Impact assessment of the socio-economic development on the environment by means of indicators of antropogenic energo-material flows

MinFuture (H2020, 2016–2018)

Global material flows and demand-supply forecasting for mineral strategies

MOSUMO (TA ČR Théta, 2021–2023)

Model support for clean and sustainable mobility in the Czech Republic


MOSUR (2011-2014)

The Czech Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Network (2011 – 2014) The goal of the project was to strengthen the professional relationship among...

MOSUS (EU 5th FP, 2003–2006)

MOSUS: Modelling Opportunities And Limits For Restructuring Europe Towards Sustainability Within the project, an extensive database of indicators was...

MSA - Material system analysis of the Czech Republic (GA ČR, 2019–2021)

MSA - Material system analysis of the Czech Republic: A tool for increasing analytical potential of the economy-wide material flow analysis The project has...

Novel policies in post-mining landscape planning: socioeconomic assessment of alternative land rehabilitation options (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2016–2017)

The aim of the project is to develop new approaches for socio-economic assessment of alternative options of post-mining landscape recultivation and verify...

NOx2030 (TA ČR Environment for Life, 2021–2023)

Prediction of emission savings in road transport achieved by application of the selected tax and fee instruments by 2030

The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario. 

Nutritional footprint methodology for the assessment of environmental and health aspects of food consumption in the Czech Republic (TACR, 2016–2017)

The main objective of the project is to develop the concept of Nutritional footprint integrating health and envrionmental aspects of food consumption in the...

Older projects

Some older projects that have been carried out in CUEC: 2000–2001 – Project funded by the Czech Ministry of the Environment VaV/310/2/00...

Optimization of management of forest restoration on sites affected by surface mining (Czech Ministry of Agriculture, 2017–2021)

The aim of the project is a complex evaluation of large-scale forest reclamations on habitats altered by surface mining of brown coal. The goal is to evaluate...

OZE (TA ČR, 2018–2019)

Optimal use of renewable energy in transport – OZE  The project reflects a summary of the current knowledge on renewable energy sources and...

PASHMINA (7th FP EC, 2009-2012)

PASHMINA: PAradigm SHifts Modelling and INnovative Approaches The objective of the project is to show that it is possible to better address global changes...

Pathways towards Environmental Sustainability (GAČR EXPRO; 2023–2027)

Pathways towards Environmental Sustainability

Project aim is to determine the potential scenarios of future development in technology and consumption, which will ensure national footprints of all countries to be within the downscaled planetary boundaries.

PEOPLE – People-Centred Development in Practical and Learning Environments, (Erasmus+, 2016–2019)

PEOPLE: People-Centred Development in Practical and Learning Environments International project People-Centred Development Approaches in Practical and...

POCACITO (FP7, 2014-2016)

Post-carbon cities of tomorrow –

PONAVE (Norwegian Funds, 2014-2015)

Community Innovative Entrepreneurship Study Course HLB in cooperation with CUEC are developing the “Community Entrepreneurship Training for...

PONAVE 2 (Norwegian Funds, 2016)

Sustaining Community Development: Taking Innovative Community Enterprise to the next level in the Czech Republic Just as rural development is a process, so...

Primus – REGEC (UK, 2018-2019)

Energy Economics and Environmental Policy A collaborative project of the IES and Charles University Environmental Center´s primary is to establish a...

PRIMUS Environmental consequences of city-centered lifestyles (UK, 2017–2019)

The aim of this project is to quantify the environmental consequences of individual purchases and activities of city-centered lifestyles. 

PROGRES – Environmental Research (UK, 2017–2021)

Project ‘Progres - Environmental Research, follows the previous interdisciplinary project ‘Prvouk’. The present proposal corresponds with the framework and...

Progress Report (VaV MoE, 2007–2011)

SP/4I2/210/07 Monitoring and assessment of interlinkages between environment, economy and society by means of Progress Report The project aims to ensure the...

QH92295 The development of indicators for integrated economic and environmental accounting in agriculture 2009-2011

QH92295 The development of indicators for integrated economic and environmental accounting in agriculture The aim of the project is to develop a composite...

RCE Czechia (2017– )

Regional centre of expertise Czechia

RCE Czechia is currently a community of 22 partners - Czech universities, schools, non-governmental organizations, representatives of local government and small-scale entrepreneurs - who aim to build a culture of sustainability and involve citizens in democratic processes.

Rec-Optim (TAČR Omega 2014-15)

The use of pricing mechanism for tourism directing and financing the management of specially protected areas in the Czech Republic The project aims at...

Recreational purposes of Vltava river cascade (TA ČR, 2019–2022)

Recreational purposes of Vltava river cascade and its economical potential under the climate change (2019-2022) Project aims to assess the economic potential...

RegSim (TA CR, 2018–2022)

Integrated models for analysis of regulatory impacts and simulations of long-term scenarios of energy sector development – RegSim  The project develops...

Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle (TA ČR, 2018–2021)

Responsible consumption: Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle In the first year, the project will review the most...

Rolling Waste (TA ČR, 2020–2023)

Rolling Waste: Environmental and behavioral research of music festivals participants' behavior

Main goal of the project is to reduce environmental footprint of open-air music festivals through change in behaviour and consumer patterns of participants.

Schools for the Future (OP PPR, 2020–2022)

Schools for the Future The main goal of the project is to create an environment for transformational learning to support pupils’ self perception of...

SEEPIA (TA ČR, 2021–2026)

Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA)

The project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center, providing long-term expert capacity for socioeconomic environmental research.

Signalizace (GA ČR, 2023–2025)

Using the theory of costly signalling to increase social status of frugal consumers and strengthen their pro-environmental consumption patterns

The purpose of this project is to study the effects of various types of signals sent by frugal consumption on social status and social interactions. More specifically, by combining the insights from the costly signaling theory and recent findings on perception of altruism and prosociality of people who engage in pro-environmental behavior, we will explore -- through a series of experimental studies--how signaling of voluntarily frugal consumerism can be enriched by pro-social signals to improve social status of consumers and their social interactions.

Soil protection standard for retail (TAČR Éta, 2020–2022)

Soil protection standard for retail supply chains The project will compile and test a set of practical standards that ensure soil protection in agriculture...

Spruce (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2017–2020)

Impact assessment of air pollution deposition and climate variability on forest ecosystem services and designing of adaptation measures to minimise these risk...

Study Conceptualisation and specification of social effects (benefits) of institutional service transformation into community services in the Czech Republic (2012)

Study Conceptualisation and specification of social effects (benefits) of institutional service transformation into community services in the Czech Republic...

Support of information exchange and education about the impact of climate change and adaptation measures on national and regional level (EEA and NG, 2015-2016)

The project responds to an actual need to approve and implement the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Czech Republic by raising...

SUPREM – Systematic user support of electromobility development (TAČR, 2016–2017

The objective of this project is to identify barriers and potential for development of electromobility in the Czech Republic and to estimate demand for...

Sustainable development – Increasing Czech public participation (MoEd, 1999–2004)

MSM 119000003 Sustainable development - ways towards increasing of public participation for supporting of the Czech Republic sustatainable development...

Sustainable Development on Regional Level - Combination of Theory and Practice (TA ČR, 2019–2022)

Sustainable Development on Regional Level - Combination of Theory and Practice The three-year lifelong learning project exploits the innovation potential of...

System support of modeling tools for creation and analysis of energy and environmental policies (TAČR Omega, 2016–2017)

The main objective of the project is to develop a modelling environment for quantitative analysis of impacts and support of creation of energy...

TACR Actor Analysis (2014-2015)

The Study of Participatory Processes in Creating Regional Strategies for Sustainable Development Using the Actor Analysis Method (2014 – 2015) The...

TACR OER (2014-2015)

The Use of Regional Case Studies on Sustainable Development for Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (2014 – 2015) The aim of the project is...

TEFSI (Erasmus+, 2018–2020)

TEFSI - Transformation of European Food Systems towards Sustainability by Transnational, Innovative Teaching TEFSI supports cooperation between 9 European...

The city as a space for creative learning (ACF, 2020–2022)

The city as a space for creative learning The city as a space for creative learning is a two-year project aimed at primary and secondary school students in...

The OPEDUCA Project (2013-2016)

The OPEDUCA Project is a globally connected network of schools, universities, business companies and government institutions brought together to implement an...

Theoretical analysis of transport regulation (GA CR, 2007–2008)

GP402/07/P484 Theoretical analysis of transport regulation The project focuses on the theory and empirical evidence in the field of optimal passenger...

Thunder (Marie Curie – Career Integration Grant, 2014–2017)

Through Understanding of Socioeconomic Metabolism towards Sustainability – Thunder

TIMES (TAČR Omega, 2014-2015)

Analysis of regulation environmental impacts and prediction of Czech energy sector development – Pan-Europaen dynamic model TIMES

TranExt (VaV MoT, 2007–2011)

CG712-111-520 Quantification of external costs of transport in the Czech Republic This project aims at quantification of external costs caused by various...

Transformation of relations between society and nature (AKTION, 2003–2005)

42P10 Comparative analysis of the long term development of land use and industrial metabolism in Austria and Czech Republic Project (joint collaboration...

TransUR (TACR Beta, 2012-2013)

Environmental impact assessment of transport at regional and local level by means of sustainable development indicators

UE4SD (2013-2016)

University Educators for Sustainable Development (2013 – 2016) UE4SD is a consortium of higher education institutions (HEI), organisations, agencies...

UNILEAD I a II (MŠMT, CRP; 2022–2023)

University leaders in SDGs

The project aims to strengthen the role of universities as "effective, accountable and inclusive" public organisations by ensuring more effective collaboration in the transfer of good practice in the implementation of the SDGs within the operational aspects of universities (the so-called "Resources for Change"). Project is coordinated by Masaryk University.

URSUS (2006-2011)

2B06183 Socio-economic Metabolism of Urban Systems and its Impact on Ecosystems The project aims at assessing dependence of urban systems on...

VCSE (2006-2009)

The Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe (2006 – 2009) The goal of the project was to empower students and society across Europe to cope with global...

VCSEwiki (2009– )

VCSEwiki – on-line colaboration tool for interdisciplinary education of problems of environment and sustainable development

VCSEwiki is a on-line platform - colaboration tool for education of  problems of environment and sustainable development in English. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in English  it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. 

VERHI-Children (6th EU FP, 2006–2008)

VERHI-Children: Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts: Accounting for Differences Across Age, Latency and Risk Categories with a Particular Focus on...


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