Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle (TA ČR, 2018–2021)

Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle (TA ČR, 2018–2021)

Responsible consumption: Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle

In the first year, the project will review the most up-to-date research results on environmental aspects of consumer behavior (quantitative aspect - impact assessment and prevention, qualitative view - lifestyle change); determine its relevance to education. It will identify concepts and methodological tools to support behavioral change: sustainability values, competences, creativity for innovation, critical thinking and orientation in information environment, whole-institutional approach. Based on theories and experience, methodical materials will be developed and tested in the second year. Reflection in the third year will include experience from the processes of learning and sharing / transferring knowledge; the main result will be a methodology for teaching and evidence-based policy.

Responsible consumption: Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle


Technologica Agency of the Czech Republic

Project duration


Coordinator of the project in CUEC

Jana Dlouhá

Project partners

Tereza educational centre

Jan Evengelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem - pedagogical faculty

Project description

In the first year, the project will review the most up-to-date research results on environmental aspects of consumer behavior (quantitative aspect - impact assessment and prevention, qualitative view - lifestyle change); determine its relevance to education. It will identify concepts and methodological tools to support behavioral change: sustainability values, competences, creativity for innovation, critical thinking and orientation in information environment, whole-institutional approach. Based on theories and experience, methodical materials will be developed and tested in the second year. Reflection in the third year will include experience from the processes of learning and sharing / transferring knowledge; the main result will be a methodology for teaching and evidence-based policy.



Charles University
Environment Centre
José Martího 407/2
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 220 199 460

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