Finished projects
- 3-LENSUS (EC, 2009–2010) ...
- Agroecount (MoA, 2009–2011) ...
- Alternative fuels (MoT, 2004–2006) ...
- Analysis of the transport behaviour (MoT, OP Infrastructure, 2006–2008) ...
- Assets (GA UK, 2002, 2004–2005) ...
- Authentication of computation of the social value of woody plants (TA ČR, 2018–2021) ...
Barriers for FSC in Czech forestry (TAČR Éta, 2020–2023)
Research and solution of barriers to the application of the FSC standard in Czech forestry
The project will help to understand the obstacles that prevent small and medium-sized forest owners from implementing the FSC standard of sustainable forestry and find solutions to overcome them. It will therefore contribute to the adaptation of Czech forests to the changing climate and the international timber market.
Project period: 6/2020-5/2023
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description: he aim of the project is to bring new knowledge and information, especially to smaller forest owners, through triangulation of research methods and applied research, which will help them overcome barriers (lack of know-how and research resources) currently facing new corporate customers or wood processors. on sustainability and environmental standards, such as FSC certification. This will also strengthen the adaptation of the target group of forest owners to the negative impacts of climate change, increase the competitiveness and role of the public and stakeholders in the whole process. The output of the project will be research reports, innovative methodologies, online tools to improve supplier-customer relations, round tables / workshops and will also focus on the dissemination of project outputs to the target group.
Role of CUEC in the project: In the project, CUEC is responsible for research: market research, including its prospects, the structure of supply and demand for certified timber; research of the motivations and dilemmas of already certified owners and the barriers they faced in implementing the standard; expectations of municipal owners or the preparation of application tools that will help get the results to small and medium-sized forest owners (methodology of implementing the standard, online marketplace of certified timber). He will also use the experience from the project.
Project partners:
- FAIRWOOD Solutions, s.r.o.
- Forest Support s.r.o.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
- Biotops (TAČR Omega, 2016–2017) ...
- Capacity building (ESF JPD3, 2005–2007) ...
CASES (6th FP EU, 2006-8)
... - CECILIA2050 (7th FP EC, 2012-2015) ...
- Clean Mobility (TAČR Beta, 2013-2014) ...
- COACCH (H2020, 2017–2021) ...
Cooperation of Municipalities to Improve the Quality of Public Service using Local Agenda 21 as a Qualitative Method (MPSV, 2015–2021)
... - Cycle 21 (MoT, 2004–2008) ...
- Developing Hybrid Modelling Framework for Regulatory Impact Assessment: CGE-TIMES (GAČR, 2018-2020) ...
- E-learning in environmental education (MoEd, 2005) ...
- E-V-Learn (MoE, 2008–2010) ...
ECHA-WTP (ECHA, 2012-2013)
- ECOCEP (FP7 EC, 2014–2017) ...
ECONADAPT: The economics of climate change adaptation (FP7, 2013-2016)
... - Education for the Future (TA ČR, 2019–2020) ...
- Effect of general attitudes on specific behavior: Campbell's paradigm and theory of planned behavior (2014-2015) ...
- Emissions (Eurostat, 2012-2013) ...
- Energy flows (Eurostat, 2012-2013) ...
Ensuring Quality of Open Education Resources (TA ČR, 2019–2021)
- ENVIMPACT (7th FP EC, 2011-2013) ...
- Environmental Basics, a Multimedia Textbook for Environmental Education (HEDF, 2004–2005) ...
- Environmentally significant behaviour in CR (GA CR, 2008–2010) ...
ESD:SuperVision (Erasmus+, 2020–2023)
ESD:SuperVision - qualification and further training for consultants for the implementation of ESD in school curricula
The aim of ESD:SuperVision is on the one hand to create the conditions for the development of high quality and cross-curricular school materials for secondary education on the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) and to make them available under a creative commons license.
Project period: 09/2020-08/2023
Financial support: European Commission, Erasmus+ Programme
Project description:
The aim of ESD:SuperVision is on the one hand to create the conditions for the development of high quality and cross-curricular school materials for secondary education on the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) and to make them available under a creative commons license.
On the other hand, as part of the project, teachers shall be trained to facilitate key competences to students (systems-thinking skills, (sustainability) entrepreneurship skills, values and needs overview).
Expected results and products (tangible and intangible outcomes)
- Training courses and methods for teaching sustainability issues;
- School-based curricula – adapted/aligned internationally
- Evaluation tools, performance review
- Manual of methods
The key competences can be implemented within all teaching subjects and are also interdisciplinary. This approach includes:
- Training of teachers on the methodology and usage/applicability of ESD related topics;
- Transferring, evaluation, adaptation and development of competence-oriented methods (tool-set) for the promotion of
- School and curriculum development
- Networking within the participating regions
Anticipated effect (impact envisaged)
- ESD issues/topics as part of the subject curricula
- improvement of teacher-student relationship
- Open-source acceptance of cross-curricular school materials
- multiplier effect on economic development within the participating regions?)
Project outputs:
- Training courses and methods for teaching sustainability issues;
- School-based curricula – adapted/aligned internationally
- Evaluation tools, performance review
- Manual of methods
Project partners:
- Integrierte Gesamtschule Oyten Germany
- RCE Oldenburger Münsterland - Kompetenzzentrum für Bildung zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung V. Germany
- Scoala Gimnaziala Buciumeni Romania
- Casa Corpului Didactic Dambovita Romania
- Italian Association for Sustainability Science Italy
- Daugavpils Valsts gimnazija Latvia
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
- ESDIns (7th FP EU, 2008–2011) ...
- External costs of electricity and heat production (MoE, 2003–2005) ...
FE3M (GACR EXPRO, 2019–2023)
Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling
This research aims at pushing the frontiers of research on energy economics and modelling. We examine the causes of the energy efficiency gap, focusing on adoption and substitution of energy durables by households, and investigate to what extent consumers are willing to provide some flexibility to the energy system through demand response.
Project period: 2019–2023
Financial support: Czech Science Foundation
Project description:
Czech Science Foundation selected three projects in the field of social research in the whole Czech Republic as part of the excellence in basic research. One of these projects is this project “Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling – FE3M”.
This research aims at pushing the frontiers of research on energy economics and modelling. We examine the causes of the energy efficiency gap, focusing on adoption and substitution of energy durables by households, and investigate to what extent consumers are willing to provide some flexibility to the energy system through demand response. We use both revealed and stated preferences, investigating their validity where appropriate. Standard bottom-up and topdown modelling tools are enriched to better represent household behaviour. We focus on the uptake and use of energy efficient technologies, the welfare effects associated with environmental burden and the health externalities that energy production and energy use cause. We develop several hybrid models utilizing Agent Based Modelling, Energy System Optimisation, Computable General Equilibrium, Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output, and Impact Pathway Analysis, integrated in a comprehensive modelling tool.
Role of CUEC in the project:
The aim of the project is to improve the economic modeling of consumer preferences and behavior related to the use of energy efficient technologies and flexible demand. Behavioral research will be based on several original surveys that we will conduct throughout the project. Top-down and bottom-up approaches will be used to develop a hybrid model. Standard bottom-up and top-down modeling tools will be enriched to better represent household behavior. We focus on the uptake and use of energy efficient technologies, the welfare effects associated with environmental burden and the health externalities that energy production and energy use cause. We develop several hybrid models utilizing Agent Based Modelling, Energy System Optimization, Computable General Equilibrium, Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input- Output, and Impact Pathway Analysis, integrated in a comprehensive modelling tool. We will organize four scientific workshops and seminars for students and professionals in the early careers. Several scientific papers will be published in the top journals in respective fields and project representatives will participate in international conferences.
Project partners:
- University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting (Prof. Ing. Karel Janda, M.A., Dr., Ph.D.)
- Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies (Mgr. Milan Ščasný Ph.D.)
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
GACR - Competence based innovation and quality enhancement in higher education (for sustainable development) (2014 – 2016)
... - GEMCLIME – Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy (H2020, 2016–2021) ...
- Global Environmental Consequences Of Household Consumption (GAČR, 2017–2019 ...
Global human appropriation of net primary production from the consumer responsibility perspective – HANPP Footprint (GA ČR 2014-2016)
... -
Green Logistics (TAČR Éta, 2019–2022)
- GREENPARADOXES (GAČR, 2016–2018) ...
- HEIMTSA (6th EU FP , 2007–2011) ...
- ICELAND 2016 (EHP Grants, 2016) ...
- Impacts of the Temelín nucleat PP on the population (MoEd, 2002–2008) ...
Improving predictive validity of valuation methods by application of an integrative theory of behaviour (GA ČR, 2015–2017)
... - INDI-LINK (EU 6th FP, 2006–2009) ...
- INHERIT – INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions (EC H2020, 2016–2019) ...
IP EXIOPOL (6th EU FP, 2007–2010)
... - ISPoS (DBU, 2010–2012) ...
Kohoutková (TA ČR, 2020–2023)
Tap Water or Bottled Water: Barriers and Motivations to Consume Drinking Water
The project aim is to identify motives and barriers to tap water consumption in the Czech Republic and ways to overcome the barriers.
Project period: 2020–2023
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), ETA 3
Project description:
The project aim is to identify motives and barriers to tap water consumption in Czechia and ways to overcome the barriers. This will be achieved through an analysis of bottled water demand and tap water preferences. Consumer preferences and attitudes will be elicited using several waves of representative questionnaire surveys. Recommendations will be made on how to target a tap water campaign (amendment to 98/83/EC) that will be part of preparation of a non-legislative strategy. Another aim is to improve sensory properties of water by developing methodological tools for water supply operators and laboratories.
The team includes economists, sociologists, and experts in marketing and water hygiene. The project links several social scientific approaches.
Project partners:
- Charles University Environment Centre
- Asociace pro vodu ČR z.s.
- Idealab, s.r.o.
- Státní zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Praze
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
LESY (TA ČR, 2019–2023)
Modelling of Sustainable Forestry Scenarios Contributing To Climate Change Adaptation – Examining the Impacts on Energy Sector and GHG Emissions in the Czech Republic and Public Acceptability of These Scenarios by Czech population – LESY
The aim of the project is to identify forest development scenarios, options to implement adaptation strategies in forestry and to analyze impacts on energy, emission balance and the acceptability of given scenarios by the Czech public.
Project period: 02/2019–01/2023
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), Program ETA
Project description: The aim of the project is to identify forest development scenarios, options to implement adaptation strategies in forestry and to analyze impacts on energy, emission balance and the acceptability of given scenarios by the Czech public. The project translates adaptation measures into scenarios of development of crop and production characteristics, adds economic dimension (costs and benefits), social aspects (population preference), links scenario analysis in forestry and energy (the potential of usable biomass), and provides a follow-up balance of greenhouse gas emissions from forestry (mitigation effect), and a revision of the emissions of other pollutants. The project output is a complex assessment of scenarios in forest development in the country, including effects on other sectors and society.
Project outputs: The aim of the project is to develop different scenarios of tree species and age composition of forests in the Czech Republic that will take into account the effect of climate change and forest stability. Scenario modeling will evaluate current adaptation measures, effects of the composition of forests on the greenhouse gas balance, and the balance of other carbon stock components. Regarding the costs and benefits of forest production function, modeling will assess the quantitative balance of the wood mass, the effect of the forest composition changes on the value and range of production and the way it is used, including the derivation of the logging costs, timber harvesting and transportation. These models should help to develop policy strategies in relation to the expected development in forestry. The acceptability of policies will be examined based on a questionnaire survey, including the analysis of attitudes and preferences of the Czech population for the environmental characteristics and functions of the forest. The next phase of modeling will predict the development of the Czech Republic's energy system by 2050 with the aim of identifying an optimal mix of fuels and technologies for electricity and heat production, assuming different scenarios of biomass potential development.
Project partners: IFER - Institute for Forest Ecosystem Research, s.r.o. (Prof. Cienciala)
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
MA21 (MPSV, 2021–2023)
Cooperation of municipalities to improve the quality of public administration using the MA21 method
The aim is to strengthen the institutional capacity of municipalities and regions in the field of STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION based on the MA21 quality management method. Methodological procedures and tools for USCs will be systematically developed (basis for comprehensive strategic management, professional communication with citizens, project evaluation tool, integration of quality management systems, expert evaluation of MA21 procedures and outputs, sharing of good practices). All findings and outputs will be prepared and used for training of municipalities and regions.
Project period: 01/10/2015–30/6/2023
Financial support: The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Project description: Specific objective: To optimise processes and procedures in public administration, in particular by strengthening the strategic management of organisations, improving the quality of their functioning and reducing the administrative burden; To optimise processes and procedures in public administration, in particular by strengthening the strategic management of organisations, improving the quality of their functioning and reducing the administrative burden; To professionalise public administration, in particular by increasing the knowledge and skills of its staff, developing policies and strategies in the field of human resources and implementing the Civil Service Law
Role of CUEC in the project:
CUEC is responsible for:
- guaranteeing research and a detailed methodological set of model solutions according to MA21 topics, the so-called MOZAIKA,
- preparation of a set of 20 headline quality indicators, draft interpretations,
- management of MA21 experts,
- collaboration on evaluations, participation in events, data evaluation,
- cooperation on training and sharing good practice, participation in events,
- feedback for the project evaluation tool - indicators.
Project partners: Národní síť zdravých měst
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
- Material and energy flows (VaV MoE, 2008–2010) ...
- Material flows and sustainable resource management (VaV MoE, 2004-5) ...
Material system analysis - MSA (DG Enterprise and Industry, 2013-2015)
... - Materials (Eurostat, 2011-2013) ...
- MATISSE (EU 6th FP, 2005–2008) ...
- MEFA (GA ČR, 2004–2006) ...
- Metabolism (GA ČR, 2008–2010) ...
MFA – Anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic: Analysis of structure and trends and opening a black-box of the physical economy (GAČR, 2016–2018)
... - MFA (CSF, 2012-2014) ...
- MFA (TACR, 2012-2013) ...
- MinFuture (H2020, 2016–2018) ...
MOSUMO (TA ČR Théta, 2021–2023)
Model support for clean and sustainable mobility in the Czech Republic
Financial support: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
The aim of the project is to:
- develop modelling tools and consolidate data for complex modelling of transport-energy scenarios;
- use the scenarios to model the achievement of renewable energy and climate protection targets, and to develop data- and model-based evidence for strategic decision-making;
- regularly assess the fulfilment of existing and forthcoming targets and obligations related to RES use and CO2 reduction and the development of clean and sustainable mobility through simultaneously developed integrated bottom-up and top-down modelling of the transport-energy system;
- evaluate impacts on the energy and transport sectors and indirect effects on the economy and
- help to design effective public interventions to promote clean and sustainable mobility in Czechia.
Project partners:
- University of Chemical Technology in Prague
- Czech Technological Platform for Biocomponents in Transport and Chemical Industry
- Research Institute of Agricultural Technology, v.v.i.
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- Charles University
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
- MOSUR (2011-2014) ...
- MOSUS (EU 5th FP, 2003–2006) ...
- MSA - Material system analysis of the Czech Republic (GA ČR, 2019–2021) ...
Novel policies in post-mining landscape planning: socioeconomic assessment of alternative land rehabilitation options (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2016–2017)
NOx2030 (TA ČR Environment for Life, 2021–2023)
Prediction of emission savings in road transport achieved by application of the selected tax and fee instruments by 2030
The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario.
Project period: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Financial support: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario. The subgoals are
- to analyze the preferences of households and individuals for alternative technologies of passenger cars and their transport mode choices,
- to analyze the behaviour of businesses using time-series data on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles fleets,
- to simulate the effect of road charging on heavy trucks by a four-stage transport model,
- to predict the impacts on fuel consumption, direct and indirect NOx, PM and CO2 emissions by the TIMES optimization model,
- to quantify the impacts on the economy by a general equilibrium model and
- to evaluate direct administrative and compliance costs of recommended variant(s).
Project partners:
- Transport Research Centre, v.v.i.
- Mendel University in Brno
- Charles University
- University of Economics in Prague
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
Nutritional footprint methodology for the assessment of environmental and health aspects of food consumption in the Czech Republic (TACR, 2016–2017)
Older projects
... -
Optimization of management of forest restoration on sites affected by surface mining (Czech Ministry of Agriculture, 2017–2021)
- OZE (TA ČR, 2018–2019) ...
- PASHMINA (7th FP EC, 2009-2012) ...
- PEOPLE – People-Centred Development in Practical and Learning Environments, (Erasmus+, 2016–2019) ...
- POCACITO (FP7, 2014-2016) ...
- PONAVE (Norwegian Funds, 2014-2015) ...
- PONAVE 2 (Norwegian Funds, 2016) ...
- Primus – REGEC (UK, 2018-2019) ...
PRIMUS Environmental consequences of city-centered lifestyles (UK, 2017–2019)
... - PROGRES – Environmental Research (UK, 2017–2021) ...
- Progress Report (VaV MoE, 2007–2011) ...
- QH92295 The development of indicators for integrated economic and environmental accounting in agriculture 2009-2011 ...
- Rec-Optim (TAČR Omega 2014-15) ...
- Recreational purposes of Vltava river cascade (TA ČR, 2019–2022) ...
- RegSim (TA CR, 2018–2022) ...
- Responsible consumption - materials for education for sustainable lifestyle (TA ČR, 2018–2021) ...
Rolling Waste (TA ČR, 2020–2023)
Rolling Waste: Environmental and behavioral research of music festivals participants' behavior
Main goal of the project is to reduce environmental footprint of open-air music festivals through change in behaviour and consumer patterns of participants.
Project period: 2020–2023
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), ETA 3
Project description: Reduction in the footprint will be achieved by motivating and educating festival participants about waste prevention and proper separation. The focus is to understand pro-environmental behavior of individuals at mass events. We examine the effect of attitudes, values, social control and impacts of consumption on behavior.
Project outputs:
Open-air festivals are an ideal place where to examine the consumption patterns of participants' behavior. Waste at the festivals is disposed in a controlled manner at a given place and at a given time. Festivals address a well-defined group of the population. Therefore, it is possible to monitor and evaluate the shift in the attitude of each individual and the acceptance of personal responsibility for waste production.
As part of the project, we want to influence the participants of the Let it Roll summer festival during three consecutive years. Thanks to a combination of different approaches - social science (change of behavior patterns), environmental (waste management, LCA analyses), technical (use of mobile sorting line), marketing (Rolling Green campaign) and educational (workshops, information booths) - barriers will be identified and participants will be motivated to try to minimize their ecological footprint within the festival.
Based on the knowledge gained, a methodology will be created that will enable festival organizers to more easily grasp the issue of social responsibility and reduce the impact of festivals on the environment. Thanks to the involvement of the application guarantor, the Festas association, the outputs of the project will be available to all organizers of summer music festivals.
Project partners:
- Charles University Environment Centre
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague / Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Augiášův chlév s.r.o.
- Beatworx s.r.o.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
- Schools for the Future (OP PPR, 2020–2022) ...
Soil protection standard for retail (TAČR Éta, 2020–2022)
... - Spruce (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2017–2020) ...
Study Conceptualisation and specification of social effects (benefits) of institutional service transformation into community services in the Czech Republic (2012)
... -
Support of information exchange and education about the impact of climate change and adaptation measures on national and regional level (EEA and NG, 2015-2016)
... -
SUPREM – Systematic user support of electromobility development (TAČR, 2016–2017
... - Sustainable development – Increasing Czech public participation (MoEd, 1999–2004) ...
Sustainable Development on Regional Level - Combination of Theory and Practice (TA ČR, 2019–2022)
System support of modeling tools for creation and analysis of energy and environmental policies (TAČR Omega, 2016–2017)
... - TACR Actor Analysis (2014-2015) ...
- TACR OER (2014-2015) ...
- TEFSI (Erasmus+, 2018–2020) ...
The city as a space for creative learning (ACF, 2020–2022)
... -
The OPEDUCA Project (2013-2016)
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