GA205/08/1475 Analysis of requirements of socioeconomic metabolism of the Czech Republic for energy, materials and land in perspective of historical development
The project aims to assess sustainable use of ecosystem production in the Czech Republic from the perspective of historical development. Analysis of long-term changes of the land appropriation and of the energy consumption is a significant presumption to answering questions concerning sustainability of current consumption patterns of land, biomass and energy. Additionally this will help to assess substitutability of biomass and fossil fuels.
GA205/08/1475 Analysis of requirements of socioeconomic metabolism of the Czech Republic for energy, materials and land in perspective of historical development
GA ČR - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project duration
January 2008 - December 2010
Project coordinator in CUEC
Mgr. Miroslav Havránek
Project description
The project aims to assess sustainable use of ecosystem production in the Czech Republic from the perspective of historical development. Analysis of long-term changes of the land appropriation and of the energy consumption is a significant presumption toanswering questions concerning sustainability of current consumption patterns of land, biomass and energy. Additionally this will help to assess substitutability of biomass and fossil fuels.
To answer these questions, methods of environmental accounting are to be used, including material and energy flow analysis and analysis of human appropriation of net primary production and ecological footprint. Time series of indicators of environmental sustainability for the last circa 150 years are the supposed result of the project. This time series will make possible to interpret main sustainability milestones in the process of industrialization and will stimulate further research in related fields, for example long-term changes of biodiversity and scenarios of energy autarky.
Project outputs
KENNEDY, Christopher, STEINBERGER, Julia, GASSON, Barrie, HANSEN, Yvonne, HILLMAN, Timothy, HAVRÁNEK, Miroslav, PATAKI, Diane, PHDUNGSILP, Aumnad, RAMASWAMI, Anu, VILLABA MENDEZ, Gara. Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities. Energy Policy. 2009 (in press) doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2009.08.050
KOVANDA, Jan, HÁK, Tomáš. Historical perspectives of material use in the Czechoslovakia. Journal of Industrial Ecology (Draft).
KOVANDA, Jan, WEINZETTEL, Jan. Breaks in trends of material flow indicators in the Czech Republic. Poster na konferenci Transitions Toward Sustainability, 21-24 June 2009 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal.
VAČKÁŘ, David, HAVRÁNEK, Miroslav. Energy flows and biomass appropriation in Czechia during 20th century. Biomass and Bioenergy (Draft)