Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology
The Department was founded in January 2003, and since 2005 the initial purely economy-oriented research has also embraced selected sociological research topics. Our research activities are primarily based on methodological individualism in environmental and welfare economics, as well as environmental sociology. Our pre-dominant interest in empirical research has led to the completion of over 20 original surveys. Moreover, the Department functions as a national contact point for the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
- Silvia Petty
- Diana Kmeťková
- Patrik Lenz
- Tereza Čiderová
- Dr. Jean-François Auger, Ph.D.
- Prof. Evžen Kočenda
- Vladimír Kubeček
- Vědunka Kopečná
- Matěj Opatrný
- Lukáš Rečka
- Zuzana Rajchlová
- Martin Kryl
- Vojtěch Máca
- Miroslav Havránek
- Iva Zvěřinová
- Milan Ščasný
- prof. Anna Alberini
- prof. Mikolaj Czajkowski
- Lucie Jandová Halíková
- Dali Tsintskiladze Laxton, M.A.
- Hedvika-Marie Černá
- Iñaki Alberto Veruete Villegas
- Dimitra Spyropoulou
- Volodymyr Svirskyi
Running projects
- Forests (TAČR, 2019–2023)
- ARAMIS (TA ČR, 2020–2023)
- BlueAdapt (Horizon Europe, 2022–2026)
- CAPABLE (Horizon Europe, 2023–2025)
- GEOCEP (H2020, 2022–2026)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (CHMI, 2001– )
- MARCHES (Horizon Europe, 2023–2026)
- SEEPIA (TA ČR, 2021–2026)
- CEVOOH (TAČR, environment for living; 2023–2026)
Scientific Articles of the Department
- 'Warehouse' or research centre? Analyzing public preferences for conservation, pre-breeding and characterization activities at the Czech genebank
Tyack, N., Ščasný, M. (2020) Food Security, 12(5), 1035-1046 - The role of allocation of retail trade margins across household segments on their carbon footprint calculation
Mach, R., Ščasný, M., Weinzettel, J. (2022) Economic Systems Research, 34(1), 97-110 - Responsiveness to energy price changes when salience is high: Residential natural gas demand in Ukraine
Alberini, A., Khymych, O., Ščasný, M. (2020) Energy Policy, 144(September), 111534 - Premium price for natural preservatives in wine: a discrete choice experiment
Chikumbi, L., Ščasný, M., Muchapondwa, E., Thiam, D. (2021) Wine Economics and Policy, 10(1), 101-118 - On the validity of the estimates of the VSL from contingent valuation: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Alberini, A., Ščasný, M. (2021) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 62(1), 55-87 - Information Use and Its Effects on the Valuation of Agricultural Genetic Resources
Tienhaara, A., Ahtiainen, H., Pouta, E., Czajkowski, M. (2022) Land Economics, May 2022, 98 (2) 337-354 - Increasing the cost-effectiveness of nutrient reduction targets using different spatial scales
Czajkowski, M., Andersen, H., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Budziński, W., Elofsson, K., Hagemejer, J., Hasler, B., Humborg, C., Smart, J.C.R., Smedberg, E.,Thodsen, H., Wąs, A., Wilamowski, M., Żylicz, T., Hanley, N. (2021) Science of the Total Environment, 790(10 October 2021), 147824 - Explaining inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake in Europe: The role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations
Craveiro, D., Marques, S., Zvěřinová, I., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Chiabai, A., Suarez, C., Martinez-Juarez, P., García de Jalón, S., Quiroga, S. Taylor, T. (2021) Appetite. 2021, 165(1. October 2021), 105283 - Estimation of price and income elasticity of residential water demand in the Czech Republic over three decades
Ščasný, M., Smutná, Š. (2021) Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(2), 580-608 - Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services
Faccioli, M., Czajkowski, M., Glenk, K., Martin-Ortega, J. (2020) Ecological Economics, 174 (August 2020), 106600 - Energy Expenditure and Fuel Choices among Households in the Sidama Region, Southern Ethiopia
Mamo, T.L., Ščasný, M., Tasew, W. (2021) International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(2), 315-324 - Energy Demand Management and Social Norms
Gołębiowska, B., Bartczak, A., Czajkowski, M. (2020) Energies, 13(15), 3779 - Encouraging and Enabling Lifestyles and Behaviours to Simultaneously Promote Environmental Sustainability, Health and Equity: Key Policy Messages from INHERIT
Stegeman, I., Godfrey, A., Romeo-Velilla, M., Bell, R., Staatsen, B., Van Der Vliet, N., Kruize, H., Morris, G., Taylor, T., Strube, R., Anthun, K., Lillefjell, M., Zvěřinová, I., Ščasný, M., Máca, V., Costongs, C. (2020) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7166 - Dynamics and Management of Restored Forests in Post-Mining Sites with Respect to Their Recreation Value: A Matrix Growth Model
Melichar, J., Cienciala, M., Albert, J., Braun Kohlová, M., Máca, V., Pavelčík, P. (2022) Forests, 13(9), 1519 - Drive less, drive better, or both? Behavioral adjustments to fuel price changes in Germany
Alberini, A., Horvath, M., Vance, C. (2022) Resource and Energy Economics, 68, 101292 - Decomposition analysis of air pollutants during the transition and post-transition periods in the Czech Republic
Ščasný, M., Ang, B.W., Rečka, L. (2021) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111137 - An economic valuation of access to cultural institutions: museums, theatres, and cinemas
Wiśniewska,A., Budziński, W., Czajkowski, M (2020) Journal of Cultural Economics 44(4), 563-587 - Abatement Technologies and their Social Costs in a Hybrid General Equilibrium Framework
Miess, M., Schmelzer, S., Ščasný, M., Kopečná, V. (2022) Energy Journal, 43(2), 153-180 - "Wild" tariff schemes: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia
Alberini, A., Bezhanishvili, L., Ščasný, M. (2022) Energy Economics, vol. 110, 106030 - A Technological Scenario for a Healthier, More Equitable and Sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen Perceptions and Policy Implications
Xhelili, A., Strube, R., Grossi, F., Zvěřinová, I., Taylor, T., Martinez-Juarez, P., Quiroga, S., Suárez, C., Gjorgjev, D. (2020) A Technological Scenario for a Healthier, More Equitable and Sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen Perceptions and Policy Implications, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(1), 231 - Incentivizing Commuter Cycling by Financial and Non-Financial Rewards
Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Zvěřinová, I., Jakob, M., Hrnčíř, J. (2020), Incentivizing Commuter Cycling by Financial and Non-Financial Rewards, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(17), 6033 - How to Achieve a Healthier and More Sustainable Europe by 2040 According to the Public? Results of a Five-Country Questionnaire Survey
Zvěřinová, I., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Strube, R., Marques, S., Dubová, D., Kryl, M., Craveiro, D., Taylor, T., Chiabai, A., de Jalón, S.G.(2020), How to Achieve a Healthier and More Sustainable Europe by 2040 According to the Public? Results of a Five-Country Questionnaire Survey, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(17), 6071 - Ten Lessons for Good Practice for the INHERIT Triple Win: Health, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability
Bell, R., Khan, M., Romeo-Velilla, M., Máca, V., Zvěřinová, I., Ščasný, M. at all. (2019) Ten Lessons for Good Practice for the INHERIT Triple Win: Health, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(22), 4546 - Taxing Air Pollutants and Carbon Individually or Jointly: Results from a CGE Model Enriched by an Emission Abatement Sector
Kiuila, O., Markandya, A., Ščasny, M. (2019), Taxing Air Pollutants and Carbon Individually or Jointly: Results from a CGE Model Enriched by an Emission Abatement Sector. Economic System Research, 31:1, 21-43. - The Benefits of Avoiding Cancer (or Dying from Cancer): Evidence from a Four-country Study
Alberini, A., Ščasný, M. (2018), The Benefits of Avoiding Cancer (or Dying from Cancer): Evidence from a Four-country Study. Journal of Health Economics 57: 249-262 - Analysing attitudes to climate change mitigation policies
Kyselá, E., Ščasný, M., Zvěřinová, I. (2019), Analysing attitudes to climate change mitigation policies. Climate Policy, 19:7, 878-892 - Response to Extreme Energy Price Changes: Evidence from Ukraine
Alberini, A., Khymych, O., Ščasný, M. (2019), Response to Extreme Energy Price Changes: Evidence from Ukraine. The Energy Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1: 189-212.