GEOCEP (H2020, 2022–2026)
Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP)
GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.
Project web page: https://www.geocep.cuni.cz/
Project period: 2022–2026
Financial support: GEOCEP has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 870245
Project description:
The research project Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP) is an interdisciplinary project that connects the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences. Starting in March 2021, for over four years, researchers and PhD students will be seconded at one of the top world-wide university and research centers to deploy a worldwide knowledge network over five continents. They will come from six top research institutions in the European Union and sixteen other prestigious institutions in the rest of the world.
Role of CUEC in the project:
One of the project aims is to achieve scientific breakthroughs in creating new generations of models enabling a sophisticated economic analysis. The project will identify institutional and political obstacles to implementing efficient solutions to control for the global carbon externality, investigate an array of effective policies focused on increasing energy efficiency, promoting renewable energy, reducing emissions and related externalities. Researchers will utilise a wide range of integrated assessment economic and hybrid models. These models include the analysis of social and technological innovations, new business and services models, and the need for flexibility in demand to support the energy transition to a zero-carbon economy. We will analyse consumer and firm behaviour, the impacts on the economy, energy use, the environment, and human health.
Project partners:
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments: