Running projects
ARAMIS (TA ČR, 2020–2023)
Financial support: Grant Agency of the CR
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
BlueAdapt (Horizon Europe, 2022–2026)
BlueAdapt - Reducing climate based health risks in blue environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens
GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.
Project web page: Project web
Project period: 2022–2026
Financial support: European Commission – programme Horizon 2020
Project description:
BlueAdapt brings together an interdisciplinary team of biologists, climate scientists, economists, epidemiologists and public health experts to investigate and quantify the future health risks associated with selected coastal pathogens.
BlueAdapt will provide tools to assess the impacts of policy responses and communicate the results to a wide audience, including both policymakers and the public. A conceptual framework will be developed around existing models of One Health and Ecological Public Health, to help wider engagement with the complex nature of the issue. Horizons scanning and downscaled climate modelling will feed into lab based experiments and the development of simulations around how changes in climate variables, interacting with other environmental changes, may influence the state of selected microbial pathogens of public health concern in coastal waters. Case studies will illustrate how One Health and Ecological Public Health concepts can be used to generate action and identify potential barriers to adaptation. Health impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis will inform appropriate action. BlueAdapt Innovation Slams and policy workshops will help deliver a wider impact from the project including new-to-firm and new-to-market products and services.
Project partners:
- BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change
- Univerzita Karlova
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Deltares
- Cmcc
- Eurohealthnet
- Istituto Superiore di Sanita
- Universidad del Pais Vasco
- University of Exeter
- Bangor University
ThenCoordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
CAPABLE (Horizon Europe, 2023–2025)
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
CEVOOH (TAČR, environment for living; 2023–2026)
Centre of environmental research: Waste management, circular economy and environmetal secutiry
The aim of the project is to build a long-term, professional, interdisciplinary, research base made up of key research organizations with experience and expertise to carry out research in the field of waste and circular management in a broader context. The Center will provide the Ministry of the Environment, other ministries, expert platforms and other entities with research results, dissemination of scientific knowledge and expert support in policy making, strategies and regulations.
Project period: 1. 1. 2023–31. 12. 2027
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic)
Project description: The aim of the project is to build a long-term, professional, interdisciplinary, research base made up of key research organizations with experience and expertise to carry out research in the field of waste and circular management in a broader context. The Center will provide the Ministry of the Environment, other ministries, expert platforms and other entities with research results, dissemination of scientific knowledge and expert support in policy making, strategies and regulations. The Center, formed by a consortium of eight research organizations and universities, is focused on conducting research in the thematic areas related to the Czech Republic's transition from a linear to a circular economic model. This transition requires research in new areas such as substance flows, innovative technologies to minimize the use of primary raw materials in production, maximum material usability and recovery of waste, byproducts and intermediate products, ecodesign of products, monitoring and evaluation of not only environmental, but also socio-economic processes. The main thematic areas the Center will focus on in its activities are waste and circulation management, monitoring and development of new monitoring tools to monitor the transition to the circular economy, including the development of new indicators, life cycle analysis, ecodesign standards, environmental contamination, emerging pollutants, using new methods and approaches to identify and eliminate pollution, e.g. through satellite remote sensing. The area of environmental security, prevention of major industrial accidents and related topics of cyber security and social acceptability of environmentally and technologically induced risks are also an indispensable topic. The activities of the Center interconnect science, technology and humanities in one interdisciplinary platform with the aim of moving the Czech Republic closer to the circular economy.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
- Department of Indicators of Environmental Sustainability
- Environmental Footprint Lab
- Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology
Research team:
Envigogika (2006– )
Envigogika – peer reviewed scientific on-line journal
Envigogika is a specialist peer-reviewed professional open access periodical published by the Charles University (Prague). The journal publishes original academic papers and additional informative articles from the field of environmental education (EE), education for sustainable development (ESD) and also from other related areas. Journal is registered in the ERIH PLUS database, DOAJ database and has DOAJ Seal of quality.
Project web page: Envigogika journal
Project period: 2006
Financial support: ournal was supported by several grants in past years: OPVK - Mezioborová síť udržitelného rozvoje (MOSUR) MŠMT (Ministry of education, youth and sports) MŽP prostřednictvím programů VaV (Ministry of Environment)
Project description: Envigogika is a specialist peer-reviewed professional open access periodical published by the Charles University (Prague). The journal publishes original academic papers and additional informative articles from the field of environmental education (EE), education for sustainable development (ESD) and also from other related areas. Journal is registered in the ERIH PLUS database, DOAJ database and has DOAJ Seal of quality.
Project outputs: At least one issue of journal each year
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
Enviwiki (2007– )
Enviwiki – on-line knowledge base for interdisciplinary education of problems of environment and sustainable development
Enviwiki is a on-line platform - knowledge base - devoted to education oriented on problems of environment and sustainable development. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in Czech universities: it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. Published articles can be used both by teacher and students also in primary and secondary schools.
Project web page: Enviwiki (only in Czech)
Project period: 2007-
Financial support: Creation and expansion of Enviwiki was supported in past by several grants and projects.
Project description: Enviwiki is a on-line platform - knowledge base - devoted to education oriented on problems of environment and sustainable development. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in Czech universities: it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. Published articles can be used both by teacher and students also in primary and secondary schools.
Project outputs: Increasing number of good quality pages, high amount of accesses of readers.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
EUROSTAT RME (Eurostat, 2023–2025)
Updating, application, and further development of models to estimate raw material equivalents (RME models)
The project quantifies the EU's material footprint, which is then published on Eurostat's official website. We developed the method we use more than ten years ago and are still refining it and updating the results.
Project period: 2023-2025
Financial support: Eurostat
Project description: The project quantifies the EU's material footprint, which is then published on Eurostat's official website. We developed the method we use more than ten years ago and are still refining it and updating the results. That is why our consortium has been awarded this small grant every three years so far.
Role of CUEC in the project: Disaggregation of the Figaro MRIO dataset for the EU to the level of 182 product groups.
Project partners: IFEU
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
GEOCEP (H2020, 2022–2026)
Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP)
GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.
Project web page:
Project period: 2022–2026
Financial support: GEOCEP has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 870245
Project description:
The research project Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP) is an interdisciplinary project that connects the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.
Starting in March 2021, for over four years, researchers and PhD students will be seconded at one of the top world-wide university and research centers to deploy a worldwide knowledge network over five continents. They will come from six top research institutions in the European Union and sixteen other prestigious institutions in the rest of the world.
Role of CUEC in the project:
One of the project aims is to achieve scientific breakthroughs in creating new generations of models enabling a sophisticated economic analysis. The project will identify institutional and political obstacles to implementing efficient solutions to control for the global carbon externality, investigate an array of effective policies focused on increasing energy efficiency, promoting renewable energy, reducing emissions and related externalities. Researchers will utilise a wide range of integrated assessment economic and hybrid models. These models include the analysis of social and technological innovations, new business and services models, and the need for flexibility in demand to support the energy transition to a zero-carbon economy. We will analyse consumer and firm behaviour, the impacts on the economy, energy use, the environment, and human health.
Project partners:
- CMCC, Italy
- ETH Curych
- London School of Economics
- Toulouse School of Economics
- University of Oxford
- University of California
- Kolumbijská univerzita
- Harvard
- Princeton
- Stanford
- Yale
- Australian National University
- University of Cape Town
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
Greenhouse gas emissions (CHMI, 2001– )
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Czech Republic
The Center is involved in the national inventorying system, co-ordinated by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. It is responsible for annual inventorying of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector applying the IPCC methodology.
Project web page: Web pages of the project
Project period: 2001-
Financial support: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Project description:
CUEC has been participating on this long-term project on the preparation of the national inventory of greenhouse gases and more specifically GHG from the waste sector. The standardized methodology used by the IPCC is used here for the calculation, bearing in mind he nationally and technology-specific conditions in the Czech Republic.
In this project emissions of methane from landfills, emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from waste water and carbon dioxide emissions from waste incineration are estimated. The results are published annually in the CR NIR (National Inventory Report), which is submitted to the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Climate Change and to the European Environment Agency.
Project outputs:
Project partners:
Centrum pro dopravní výzkum, v.v.i. (Transport Research Centre)
Ústav pro výzkum lesních ekosystémů (IFER - Insitute of Forest Ecosystem Research)
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
Identita (GAČR, 2023–2025)
Financial support: Grant Agency of the CR
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
LADEM (TA ČR, 2024–2026)
Laboratory for the design and testing of methodological approaches for developing teachers‘ competences in education for a sustainable future
The project will explore the possibilities of applying competences for sustainable development in the Czech education system - it will provide evidence for considering them as educational objectives, offer possibilities for their assessment as expected outcomes. It will test and reflect innovative educational strategies and methods that contribute to their development.
Project period: 04/2024-09/2026
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR)
Project description: The project will explore the possibilities of applying competences for sustainable development in the Czech education system - it will provide evidence for considering them as educational objectives, offer possibilities for their assessment as expected outcomes. It will test and reflect innovative educational strategies and methods that contribute to their development. It aims to link formal and non-formal education, re-orient educational objectives towards sustainability, emphasise the future perspective, offer innovative approaches. The competences for ESD developed theoretically will be put into practice, with identification of obstacles and ways to overcome them. It will thus lay the methodological foundations for competency-based teacher education.
Role of CUEC in the project: Project coordinator
Project partners: Středisko ekologické výchovy SEVER
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited (LIFE, 2019–2026)
LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited - Integrated LIFE project for the Natura 2000 network in the Czech Republic
The main objective of the LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited project is to establish a more effective management system for Natura 2000 network sites in the Czech Republic. The aim is to link appropriate management more effectively with corresponding planning, based on accurate assessments of status and trends of the target features, accompanied by cooperation with land users. The project will effectively utilise knowledge of the benefits provided by natural capital to society and take into account relevant costs. The project will also support regional authorities, municipalities and land users to help them mobilise their own resources, including recommendations for the EU 2027+ programming period.
Project web page: Web page of the project
Project period: 2019-2026
Financial support: LIFE programme (European Commission)
Project description:
The main objective of the LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited project is to establish a more effective management system for Natura 2000 network sites in the Czech Republic. The aim is to link appropriate management more effectively with corresponding planning, based on accurate assessments of status and trends of the target features, accompanied by cooperation with land users. The project will effectively utilise knowledge of the benefits provided by natural capital to society and take into account relevant costs. The project will also support regional authorities, municipalities and land users to help them mobilise their own resources, including recommendations for the EU 2027+ programming period.
Within the project, CUEC contributes to assessment of benefits provided by the Natura 2000 network to society and evaluates the impacts of the LIFE project. We also participate in several project case studies, and in the design and accomplishment of learning courses for nature protection authorities and infotainment materials on Natura 2000 benefits for stakeholders and for the general public. Our main results will be incorporated in publicly available deliverables of the project and published in peer-reviewed articles.
Project outputs:
- assessment of targeted habitats and species status for at least 95 % of sites;
- conservation priorities set on an annual basis and cross-site comparisons made to optimise resource allocation;
- about 400 annual and 100 multi-annual public law contracts negotiated with land users concerning site management practice;
- implementation of priority measures, evaluation of management effectiveness, and 150 management plans updated;
- management carried out at on at least 1 500 ha annually, with two innovative management practices tested and evaluated in 20 localities;
- assessment of benefits provided by the Natura 2000 network to society, ecosystem services mapped and published, a new methodology used to assess the benefits and costs associated with Natura 2000, and the National Ecosystem Services Platform incorporates these Natura 2000 benefits into decision-making on natural capital management;
- training of at least 400 Nature Protection Authorities (NPA) employees;
- financing analysed and established for Natura 2000 management and the necessary resources mobilised to secure the full implementation of the national Prioritised Action Framework (PAF) for Natura 2000 for the period 2014-2020;
- guidelines for public administration procedures, and recommendations on strategic and planning documents relevant to Natura 2000; and
- awareness raised about the Natura 2000 network and its benefits to society through dissemination activities, including a web tool to visualise ecosystem services, information materials, and the outcomes of three case studies on local Natura 2000 socio-economic benefits.
Project partners:
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Research team:
MARCHES (Horizon Europe, 2023–2026)
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
Pathways towards Environmental Sustainability (GAČR EXPRO; 2023–2027)
Pathways towards Environmental Sustainability
Project aim is to determine the potential scenarios of future development in technology and consumption, which will ensure national footprints of all countries to be within the downscaled planetary boundaries.
Project period: 1. 1. 2023–31. 12. 2027
Financial support: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
Human society risks exceeding the capacity of several Earth system processes, with the potential to cause irreversible environmental change. Nine planetary boundaries have been suggested to quantify this risk, which might in turn been “downscaled” to a national level to motivate political action. However, there is no systematic allocation of responsibility of nations, no insights into how fast we are approaching the boundaries, and limited foresight into actions that affect multiple earth system processes.
In this project, we will explore a range of mitigation options by changing production technology and consumption on a global level. We will focus on the transgressed planetary boundaries from the consumer responsibility perspective. We will further develop state-of-the-art enviroeconomic models, and scenarios of future development. The outcomes will be policy relevant scenarios of potential future development of production technology and consumption within the capacity of the Earth systems and an insight into trade-offs and synergies of potential technical and behavioral changes.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
PES (MZe, 2023–2025)
Financial support: Ministry of Agriculture, NAZV
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
RCE Czechia (2017– )
Regional centre of expertise Czechia
RCE Czechia is currently a community of 22 partners - Czech universities, schools, non-governmental organizations, representatives of local government and small-scale entrepreneurs - who aim to build a culture of sustainability and involve citizens in democratic processes.
Project web page: Project web pages
Project period: 2017-
Financial support: Different sources
Project description:
RCE Czechia is currently a community of 22 partners - Czech universities, schools, non-governmental organizations, representatives of local government and small-scale entrepreneurs - who aim to build a culture of sustainability and involve citizens in democratic processes.
The members of RCE Czechia consider it necessary to enrich the existing Czech educational approaches (used at all levels of formal and informal learning) by integrating methods based on authentic experience with nature, the arts, crafts and vocational work ultimately aiming at a change in lifestyle. In order to achieve this, they will use their diverse knowledge and experience to create opportunities for dialogue, planning joint learning activities and practically focused projects.
RCE Czechia will support sustainability-oriented processes in selected areas and cooperate with numerous stakeholders that have similar goals. The fields of RCE operation will be closely related to the partnerships that enable the utilization of knowledge and experiences of the involved partners to enhance practices in education, regional economic and cultural development. The RCE’s concern with practical issues of local and regional development will allow exploration of economic alternatives that promote green, sustainable businesses which build upon environmental and cultural assets for the benefit of communities and the environment. Support for this development will be realized through education activities, providing expertise, making opportunities for dialogue, and other practical joint activities and projects.
Project partners:
22 partners – look for details on the RCE web page
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
SEEPIA (TA ČR, 2021–2026)
Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA)
The project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center, providing long-term expert capacity for socioeconomic environmental research.
Project web page: Web page of the project
Project period: 05/2021-12/2026
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), Environment for Life Programme
Project description:
The project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center, providing long-term expert capacity for socioeconomic environmental research.
The center will develop methods for policy impact evaluation, foresight, and behavioral research and provide support to the MoE and public authorities in policy-making elaborating on the European Green Deal (GD) based on the research of current and expected impacts on the environment, the economy and society. The Center consists of 12 research institutions and universities with broad expertise.
Project outputs:
The SEEPIA project has three main goals:
1. Environmental and socioeconomic policy evaluation.
We will develop quantitative methods for ex-post evaluation and evaluate the effectiveness of environmental policies. We will ex ante evaluate the impacts of the GD, compile macro-econometric and CGE models and use optimization and simulation models, including regional input-output analysis, to verify the impacts of scenarios. We will establish a knowledge transfer hub to co-design policies as a shared analytical database with knowledge transfer among bodies of the strategic cycle chain.
2. Development and application of foresight methods
We will develop foresight methods to identify new trends in the form of development scenarios to map transformation processes in society, research and technologies, constituting assumptions for the identification of current and future socioeconomic and environmental challenges and their impacts.
3. Incorporating attitudes and behavior into the policy-making process
We will develop approaches drawing from experimental and behavioral economics, social psychology and sociology. We will design and conduct behavioral experiments, evaluating the effects and acceptability of policy measures and readiness for structural changes in the direction set in the GD. Periodical sociological surveys on public opinion related to environmental problems will improve understanding of how to communicate complex policies.
Project partners:
- Charles University Environment Centre
- Institute of Economic Studies FSV UK
- Faculty of Law UK
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics UK
- The Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA)
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU)
- EEIP, a.s.
- Idealab
- Komora obnovitelných zdrojů, z.s.
- Technology Centre of the CAS
- Prague University of Economics and Business
- The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening (RILOG)
- Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM)
- Cambridge Econometrics Hungary Kft
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
- Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology
- Department of Indicators of Environmental Sustainability
Research team:
Signalizace (GA ČR, 2023–2025)
Using the theory of costly signalling to increase social status of frugal consumers and strengthen their pro-environmental consumption patterns
The purpose of this project is to study the effects of various types of signals sent by frugal consumption on social status and social interactions. More specifically, by combining the insights from the costly signaling theory and recent findings on perception of altruism and prosociality of people who engage in pro-environmental behavior, we will explore -- through a series of experimental studies--how signaling of voluntarily frugal consumerism can be enriched by pro-social signals to improve social status of consumers and their social interactions.
Project period: 2023-2025
Financial support: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
Although reducing consumption has clear social benefits, frugal consumers are perceived as having low social status, which undermines their pro-environmental motivation and impedes their social interactions. This happens because frugal consumerism is generally perceived as a signal of a lack of skills.
The purpose of this project is to study the effects of various types of signals sent by frugal consumption on social status and social interactions. More specifically, by combining the insights from the costly signaling theory and recent findings on perception of altruism and prosociality of people who engage in pro-environmental behavior, we will explore -- through a series of experimental studies--how signaling of voluntarily frugal consumerism can be enriched by pro-social signals to improve social status of consumers and their social interactions.
Project outputs: We explore how the theory of costly signaling can be used to increase the status of frugal consumers and promote pro-environmental behavior. We will show that enriching consumption with information about the prosociality of consumers will increase their status and motivation for frugal consumption.
Project partners: Emily J. Hanson, Ph.D.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team:
VCSEwiki (2009– )
VCSEwiki – on-line colaboration tool for interdisciplinary education of problems of environment and sustainable development
VCSEwiki is a on-line platform - colaboration tool for education of problems of environment and sustainable development in English. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in English it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support.
Project web page: Web pages of VCSEwiki (only in English)
Project period: 2009-
Financial support: Creation and expansion of VCSEwiki was supported in past by several grants and projects.
Project description: VCSEwiki is a on-line platform - colaboration tool for education of problems of environment and sustainable development in English. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in English it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support.
Project outputs: Increasing number of good quality pages.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team: