Signalizace (GA ČR, 2023–2025)
Using the theory of costly signalling to increase social status of frugal consumers and strengthen their pro-environmental consumption patterns
The purpose of this project is to study the effects of various types of signals sent by frugal consumption on social status and social interactions. More specifically, by combining the insights from the costly signaling theory and recent findings on perception of altruism and prosociality of people who engage in pro-environmental behavior, we will explore -- through a series of experimental studies--how signaling of voluntarily frugal consumerism can be enriched by pro-social signals to improve social status of consumers and their social interactions.
Project period: 2023-2025
Financial support: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
Although reducing consumption has clear social benefits, frugal consumers are perceived as
having low social status, which undermines their pro-environmental motivation and impedes their social interactions. This happens because frugal consumerism is generally perceived as a signal of a lack of skills. The purpose of this project is to study the effects of various types of signals sent by frugal consumption on social status and social interactions. More specifically, by combining the insights from the costly signaling theory and recent findings on perception of altruism and prosociality of people who engage in pro-environmental behavior, we will explore -- through a series of experimental studies--how signaling of voluntarily frugal consumerism can be enriched by pro-social signals to improve social status of consumers and their social interactions.
Project outputs: We explore how the theory of costly signaling can be used to increase the status of frugal consumers and promote pro-environmental behavior. We will show that enriching consumption with information about the prosociality of consumers will increase their status and motivation for frugal consumption.
Project partners: Emily J. Hanson, Ph.D.
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments: