Analysis of the transport behaviour (MoT, OP Infrastructure, 2006–2008)

Analysis of the daily transport behaviour of an adult urban population and regulation instruments

The aim of the project is to analyse the daily transport behaviour of an adult urban population and factors influencing the decision-making about the used means of transport. Based on the results extending the knowledge of passengers’ motivational factors, the options of the passenger traffic regulation instruments in the urban and suburban areas will be discussed and the optimum combination of economic, administrative and technical measures will be proposed in order to expand the patterns of sustainable transport behaviour.

Analysis of the daily transport behaviour of an adult urban population and regulation instruments

Project web pages (czech only)


Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic 

Project duration


Project coordinator in CUEC

Ing. Mgr. Hana Brůhová-Foltýnová, Ph.D. 

Project partners

Cities, where sociological surveys were conducted:

Project description

The aim of the project is to analyse the daily transport behaviour of an adult urban population and factors influencing the decision-making about the used means of transport. Based on the results extending the knowledge of passengers’ motivational factors, the options of the passenger traffic regulation instruments in the urban and suburban areas will be discussed and the optimum combination of economic, administrative and technical measures will be proposed in order to expand the patterns of sustainable transport behaviour.

Specific project objectives

  1. To analyse the decision making process related to the choice of the means of transport and the main factors (physical, socio-economic, postural barriers) that affect the preferences for each individual means of transport;

  2. To analyse the main factors that partake in the decision making about the change of the used means of transport;

  3. To analyse the possible regulation instruments of passenger transport, especially the economic ones, but also administrative and technical, and their expected economic and environmental impacts;

  4. To discuss the experience with the application of each individual means of transport abroad;

  5. To create and empirically verify the economic model of transport behaviour;

  6. To propose an optimum regulation of passenger transport regarding their economic efficiency and environmental impacts.

Project outputs

Project outputs can be found at the project web pages here (czech only).



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