Material flows and sustainable resource management (VaV MoE, 2004-5)

1C/7/14/04 Material flows and sustainable resource management

The project focused on the assessment of usability of the indicators of material flows for conveying material intensity and the decoupling of environmental pressures and economic performance. Furthermore, it addresses the calculation of output indicators of material flows and their breakdown by sector and environmental media (water, air, soil).

1C/7/14/04 Material flows and sustainable resource management


Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic 

Project duration

July 2004–December 2005 

Project coordinator in CUEC

Mgr. Jan Kovanda 

Project description

The project aims to extend the time series of the macro-indicators of material flows until 2003 using Eurostat methodology for the analysis of material flows at the macroeconomic level. The project also analyzes and quantifies the uncertainties associated with indicators of material flows and based on several criteria (for example, the relation of indicators of material flows to the environmental pressures, sustainable development or a system of national accounts), their usefulness for the decoupling of curves expressing the environmental pressures and economic performance.

The project includes furthermore the re-calculation of the output indicators of material flows for the period 1990-2003, using different data for the landfill waste than in the past (using the data from the Czech Statistical Office, instead of the Czech Environmental Institute / TGM Water Research Institute). This part of the work includes a revision of the disaggregation of output indicators of material flows by economic sector and the environmental media, to which the output / waste flows are directed (water, soil, air). This breakdown is important for the analysis of environmental load transfer across the media and economic sectors during the economic transformation of the CR before joining the EU.

CUEC is the only investigator of this project.

Project outputs

Project outputs in the RIV system



Charles University
Environment Centre
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160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

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