MOSUMO (TA ČR Théta, 2021–2023)
Model support for clean and sustainable mobility in the Czech Republic
Financial support:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
The aim of the project is to:
- develop modelling tools and consolidate data for complex modelling of transport-energy scenarios;
- use the scenarios to model the achievement of renewable energy and climate protection targets, and to develop data- and model-based evidence for strategic decision-making;
- regularly assess the fulfilment of existing and forthcoming targets and obligations related to RES use and CO2 reduction and the development of clean and sustainable mobility through simultaneously developed integrated bottom-up and top-down modelling of the transport-energy system;
- evaluate impacts on the energy and transport sectors and indirect effects on the economy and
- help to design effective public interventions to promote clean and sustainable mobility in Czechia.
Project partners:
- University of Chemical Technology in Prague
- Czech Technological Platform for Biocomponents in Transport and Chemical Industry
- Research Institute of Agricultural Technology, v.v.i.
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- Charles University
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team: