MSA - Material system analysis of the Czech Republic: A tool for increasing analytical potential of the economy-wide material flow analysis
The project has two major goals: 1) To analyze structure and trends of economy-wide material flow indicators compiled for the Czech Republic; 2) To develop and apply a methodology for material system analysis of the Czech economy.
MSA - Material system analysis of the Czech Republic: A tool for increasing analytical potential of the economy-wide material flow analysis
Financial support
Czech Science Foundation
Project duration
Coordinator of the project in CUEC
Project description
The project applies methods of economy-wide material flow analysis (EW-MFA), econometric modelling and material system analysis (MSA). The objective of the first task is the calculation of EW-MFA indicators for the Czech Republic and analysis of their structures and trends. The focus will be put on more complex indicators like raw material consumption (RMC) or total material requirements (TMR) which include up-stream material flows. The centre of the second task is development and application of material system analysis of the Czech economy in order to increase analytical potential of EW-MFA. The second task will further include analysis of MSA results with the focus on physical stocks of the economy, recycling rates and material and emission intensities. It will also provide practical recommendations for applying MSA for the whole economy in other countries. This will be very valuable, as no other MSA focusing on the whole economy has been worked out so far.