Kohoutková (TA ČR, 2020–2023)
Tap Water or Bottled Water: Barriers and Motivations to Consume Drinking Water
The project aim is to identify motives and barriers to tap water consumption in the Czech Republic and ways to overcome the barriers.
Project period: 2020–2023
Financial support: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), ETA 3
Project description:
The project aim is to identify motives and barriers to tap water consumption in Czechia and ways to overcome the barriers. This will be achieved through an analysis of bottled water demand and tap water preferences. Consumer preferences and attitudes will be elicited using several waves of representative questionnaire surveys. Recommendations will be made on how to target a tap water campaign (amendment to 98/83/EC) that will be part of preparation of a non-legislative strategy. Another aim is to improve sensory properties of water by developing methodological tools for water supply operators and laboratories. The team includes economists, sociologists, and experts in marketing and water hygiene. The project links several social scientific approaches.
Project partners:
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments: