1F44E/022/210 The economy of implementation of alternative fuels in transport and possibilities of internalisation of external costs by transport in the Czech Republic
The project collects experiences with the introduction of alternative fuels in the CR and abroad, barriers to their development, development scenarios and economic tools in promoting alternative fuels. The project aims at analyzing the possibilities of introduction of alternative fuels in transport in CR and at evaluating the environmental, economic and social impacts associated with this process.
1F44E/022/210 The economy of implementation of alternative fuels in transport and possibilities of internalisation of external costs by transport in the Czech Republic
Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Project duration
April 2004–December 2006
Project coordinator in CUEC
Ing. Mgr. Hana Foltýnová, Ph.D.
Project partners
Czech Technical University in Prague
Project description
At the end of the Second World War, oil gained control over the fuel market and petrol and diesel are the most widely used fuels in transport nowadays. Nevertheless, oil as the feedstock to fuel production is a depletable resource, and is furthermore often extracted in politically unstable areas.
Therefore new (or rediscovered) fuels that might replace them and decrease the dependence on the imported oil are being looked for. Another reason for the introduction of alternative fuels is the reduction in the environmental burden from emissions, or support to the production of biofuels in agriculture.
Alternative fuel promotion has become an important issue in EU policy. The European Parliament and the Council have approved the Directive 2003/30/EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport. This Directive also sets the recommended minimal share of biofuels in the total fuel consumption. In 2005, biofuels should reach a 2% share, and a 5.75% share in 2010.
In our project, the term 'alternative fuels' covers all possible substitutes for conventional fossil fuels (petrol and diesel). We divide them into three groups:
A) biofuels;
B) natural gas fuels;
C) hydrogen.
Scenarios of options in introducing alternative fuels to the Czech Republic, with respect to the current state of technologies, were elaborated within the project, and subsequently their economic and environmental impacts were evaluated.
Project outputs
Outputs can be found on the project web pages (czech only).