Project duration
April 2012 to December 2013
Coordinator of the project in CUEC
Milan Ščasný
Project partners
In the Environment Centre, Dept. of Environmental Economics and Sociology coordinates this project. Vrije Universiteit, Institute for Environmental Studies (VU-IVL) is our partner. However, several outstanding scholars on non-market valuation, namely Professor Stale Navrud, Professor Anna Alberini and Dr. Alistair Hunt are involved in this project. Medical experts are Dr. Radim Šrám, Dr. Jaroslav Volf, and Dr. Eva Rychlíková. Data collection will be performed by IPSOS-Tambor.
Project description
The aim of the project is to derive values of health benefits of chemical exposure reduction for the EU in order to use them in economic analysis and health impact assessment relevant for REACH by European Chemistry Agency, Member States and applicants. Original empirical survey will be performed in four European countries (Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK) in order to estimate willingness to pay for avoiding selected health impacts due to chemicals. The willingness to pay will be derived by using a stated preference valuation techniques (contingent valuation, choice experiments) and about 15 health outcomes including effect due to carcinogenicity, skin and respiratory sensitisation, repeated dose toxicity, fertility, and developmental toxicity, will be valued.
Research activities of CUEC within the project
The objectives of research activities of the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology are to:
- - coordinate the project
- - propose and test the instrument, conduct the survey in four EU countries
- - analyse data econometrically and derive WTP values for about 15 health outcomes
- - compare WTP values with corresponding values of QALY
Project outputs
Stated-preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union
Service contract for the European Chemicals Agency No. ECHA/2011/123 Final Report Part I: Sensitization & Dose Toxicity
Ščasný M., Zvěřinová I. (2014) Stated preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union. Service contract for the European Chemicals Agency No. ECHA/2011/123 FD7. Final Report Part II:Fertility and Developmental Toxicity
Alberini A., Ščasný M. (2014) Stated-preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union
Service contract for the European Chemicals Agency No. ECHA/2011/123 FD7. Final Report Part III: Carcinogens