New project, which aims to build a complete analysis of material flows for 22 materials.
DG Enterprise and Industry
December 2013 – September 2015
Project coordinator in CUEC
Tomáš Hák
This service contract will build knowledge and understanding of the flow of raw materials in the EU, which will help identifying key opportunities to secure resources in the EU economy. A Material System Analysis (MSA) consists of a map of the flow of materials through the economy, as raw materials or as parts of basic materials, components or products, in terms of entry into the economy (extraction and import), movement through the economy (production, consumption, exports), additions to stock, and end-of-life through either disposal or recovery. A MSA also includes information about the sustainability of the use of materials and the security of supply.
The present study builds upon a previous scoping study (RPA, 2012; RPA study in the following text1), which identified the data gaps. The RPA study and recommendations will be used as the starting point for the present project.
The scope of this service contract is the development of the full Material System Analysis for 22 groups of materials (21 critical raw materials and aggregates) used in the EU-28 economy:
Aggregates, Antimony, Beryllium,Borates, Chromium, Cobalt, Coking coal, Fluorspar, Gallium, Germanium, Indium, Lithium, Magnesite, Magnesium, Natural Graphite, Niobium, PGMs, Phosphate Rock, REEs (heavy), REEs (light), Silicon Metal, Tungsten
Contact person
Project coordinator:
Research team
Tomáš Hák
Jan Kovanda
Svatava Janoušková