The objective of this project is to improve predictive validity of stated preference valuation methods by application of an integrative model of behaviour.
Financial support:
Project duration
Coordinator of the project in CUEC
Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.
Project description
The objective of this project is to improve predictive validity of stated preference valuation methods by application of an integrative model of behaviour. The originality of our approach resides in the combination of economic and social psychological theories of behaviour that will be used to explain intention (stated willingness to pay) and to examine the intention-behaviour gap (revealed preferences) in order to improve the accuracy of willingness to pay estimates. This project follows empirical economic research that experimentally tested differences between stated and revealed preferences and reflects a long tradition of social psychological research on intention-behaviour gap. The objective is to analyse the effect of both internal (attitudes, values) and external factors (fiscal and regulatory incentives) on the willingness to pay. The proposed theoretical model is empirically tested on data on energy saving behaviour in Czech households. The main contribution of the project is the elaborated model of behaviour and combination of stated and revealed preference methods
Research team
Milan Ščasný
Iva Zvěřinová
Jan Urban
Project outputs