The aim of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of municipalities and regions in the field of strategic management and communication. Activities are built based on the advanced quality control methods of Local Agenda 21 (LA21), within which methodological approaches and practical tools for local governments will be systematically developed. The project is primarily educational in nature, in terms of acquisition of knowledge and skills training in all related topics. It includes gathering data for the development of a comprehensive strategic management plan, enhancing professional communication between territorial public administration and citizens and a practical tool for ensuring the quality of project management within local public administration. These aspects will be connected and supported by embedding quality management systems in municipalities. Cross-cutting activities will thus include expert evaluation of processes and outcomes of Local Agenda 21- sharing of experience and providing appropriate training for municipalities - this integrates into itself all the knowledge gained, and tools developed (methodological, technical), in the course of the project. Activities focus on territorial governance across the Czech Republic, and will apply relevant international experiences
Financial support:
MPSV - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Project duration:
Oct. 2015–Sept. 2021
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Project description:
The aim of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of municipalities and regions in the field of strategic management and communication. Activities are built based on the advanced quality control methods of Local Agenda 21 (LA21), within which methodological approaches and practical tools for local governments will be systematically developed. The project is primarily educational in nature, in terms of acquisition of knowledge and skills training in all related topics. It includes gathering data for the development of a comprehensive strategic management plan, enhancing professional communication between territorial public administration and citizens and a practical tool for ensuring the quality of project management within local public administration. These aspects will be connected and supported by embedding quality management systems in municipalities. Cross-cutting activities will thus include expert evaluation of processes and outcomes of Local Agenda 21- sharing of experience and providing appropriate training for municipalities - this integrates into itself all the knowledge gained, and tools developed (methodological, technical), in the course of the project. Activities focus on territorial governance across the Czech Republic, and will apply relevant international experiences
Realization team :
- Tomáš Hák
- Svatava Janoušková