NOx2030 (TA ČR Environment for Life, 2021–2023)
Prediction of emission savings in road transport achieved by application of the selected tax and fee instruments by 2030
The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario.
Project period:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Financial support:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Project description:
The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario. The subgoals are
- to analyze the preferences of households and individuals for alternative technologies of passenger cars and their transport mode choices,
- to analyze the behaviour of businesses using time-series data on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles fleets,
- to simulate the effect of road charging on heavy trucks by a four-stage transport model,
- to predict the impacts on fuel consumption, direct and indirect NOx, PM and CO2 emissions by the TIMES optimization model,
- to quantify the impacts on the economy by a general equilibrium model and
- to evaluate direct administrative and compliance costs of recommended variant(s).
Project partners:
- Transport Research Centre, v.v.i.
- Mendel University in Brno
- Charles University
- University of Economics in Prague
Coordinator of the project in CUEC:
Involved departments:
Research team: