MATISSE: Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment
Within the project a conceptual framework and methodology for integrated sustainability assessment (e.g. cost-benefit assessment and material flow analysis) is developed. The methodology is tested in case studies focused on water treatment, land use, raw material consumption, and dematerialisation.
MATISSE: Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment
EU 6th Framework Programme
Project duration
April 2005 - August 2008
Project coordinator in CUEC
Mgr. Jan Kovanda
Project partners
The project involves 21 partner research instutitutions from Europe - see the list here.
Project description
Within the project a conceptual framework and methodology for integrated sustainability assessment is developed. This methodology is built on the tools available for integrated assessment - both existing ones(e.g. cost-benefit analysis and material flows analysis) as well as the newly developed ones. Important role in this process has the use of models and scenario building.
The methodology is tested in 4 case studies on issues of water management, land use, consumption of raw materials and dematerialisation policies and implementation of fuel cells in automotive industry.
All parts of the project are carried out with the participation of stakeholders, which include politicians, as well as industry representatives, NGOs and the wider public. This participation is considered crucial, since it should contribute to the adoption of a methodology developed by all these actors.
Within the project CUEC contributes to the case study on consumption of raw materials and dematerialization.