IP EXIOPOL (6th EU FP, 2007–2010)

IP EXIOPOL: A New Environmental Accounting Framework Using Externality Data and Input-Output Tools for Policy Analysis

The EXIOPOL IP has 3 principal objectives:

  1. To synthesize and develop comprehensive estimates of the external costs for Europe of a broad set of economic activities;
  2. To set up a detailed environmentally extended (EE) Input-Output (I-O) framework, with links to other socio-economic models, in which as many of these estimates as possible are included. Such an EE I-O table for the EU 25 does not exist. This will allow for the estimation of environmental impacts and external costs of different economic sector activities, final consumption activities and resource consumption for countries in the EU;
  3. To apply the results of the external cost estimates and EE I-O analysis for the analysis of policy questions of importance, as well as to evaluate the impact of past research on external costs on policy-making in the EU.

Project web pages


European Comission, 6th Framework Programme, 6.3 Global change and ecosystems

Project duration

March 2007–March 2010

Coordinator of the project in the Center

Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.

Project partners

The project involves 38 universities and research centres in Europe, China and India in total – see the list of partners.

Project description

The EXIOPOL IP has 3 principal objectives:
  1. To synthesize and develop comprehensive estimates of the external costs for Europe of a broad set of economic activities;
  2. To set up a detailed environmentally extended (EE) Input-Output (I-O) framework, with links to other socio-economic models, in which as many of these estimates as possible are included. Such an EE I-O table for the EU 25 does not exist. This will allow for the estimation of environmental impacts and external costs of different economic sector activities, final consumption activities and resource consumption for countries in the EU;
  3. To apply the results of the external cost estimates and EE I-O analysis for the analysis of policy questions of importance, as well as to evaluate the impact of past research on external costs on policy-making in the EU.

For such a broad research field with so many partners, several priorities have been chosen and the project was organized into 6 mutually supporting clusters:

Cluster I: Strategy and Institutional Embedment

coordinator: The Netherlands Organisation For Applied Scientific Research - TNO

Cluster II: Externality Estimates: Extension and Development

coordinator: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei - FEEM

Cluster III: Development of a detailed EU-25 EE I-O model

coordinator: The Netherlands Organisation For Applied Scientific Research - TNO

Cluster IV: Application for policy analysis and knowledge spillovers

coordinator: The Netherlands Organisation For Applied Scientific Research - TNO

Cluster V: Dissemination and training

coordinator: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei - FEEM

Cluster IV: Coordination and Management

coordinator: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei - FEEM

The Center was active in the Work Stream IV.5 of the Cluster IV.

Project outputs

Project outputs at the project web page

Outputs in the system RIV

ŠČASNÝ, Milan. Analysis of driving forces for external costs associated with airborne pollution in CEEC transition countries. Výzkumná zpráva. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2009

BRABCOVÁ, Eva, PÍŠA, Vítězslav, ŠČASNÝ, Milan. Preliminary Report on the survey of gaps in economic knowledge with respect to fiscal consequences of internalisation and identification of relevant macroeconomic variables. Výzkumná zpráva. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2009



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