MSM 119000003 Sustainable development - ways towards increasing of public participation for supporting of the Czech Republic sustatainable development trajectory
The aim of the research plan is to achieve active public participation in implementing the principles of sustainable development. The strategy is to determine the critical elements of sustainability of economic and social development of CR with the aim of maintaining reasonable levels of environmental and natural resources, quantifying and determining the indicators of these elements. Similarly, the aim is to specify target community groups and to active promote the concept of sustainable development.
MSM 119000003 Sustainable development - ways towards increasing of public participation for supporting of the Czech Republic sustatainable development trajectory
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project duration
January 1999–December 2004
Project coordinator in CUEC
prof. RNDr. Bedřich Moldan, CSc.
Project description
The research aim is based on the acknowledged most complex strategy of the global world – sustainable development. The principle of sustainability must be examined as one of the most important criteria in all areas of human activity. Without proper education and promotion of this strategy neither social and political development, nor science and research in most disciplines can be pursued. The aim is to achieve active participation of the public in implementing sustainable principles in the overall development of society. The method lies in identifying crucial aspects of sustainability for preserving the acceptable level of environmental components and natural resources; further to quantify and develop indicators of sustainability. Specification of target groups and raising public awareness of SD is a necessary part of this.
Results will form the base for:
1. further research and development in various disciplines;
2. development of sustainable strategies in various human activities;
3. education and public participation in sustainability.
Project outputs
ŠČASNÝ, Milan, MELICHAR, Jan. The ExternE Method: A Brief Discussion on Externality Definition and Estimation Method. In Approaches to Assessing the Environment: Methods on Quantification of the Economic Impacts and Externalities within the Environmental Area. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK, 2004. s. 11-40. ISBN 80-239-3841-X
MELICHAR, Jan. Externí náklady energetiky. In Sborník ze semináře Letní škola alternativ v ekonomii. Křtiny: Občanské sdružení Horní mlýn a Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí Univerzity Karlovy, 2004. s. 16-17. ISBN 80-239-3657-3
BRAUN KOHLOVÁ, Markéta, MELICHAR, Jan. Hodnota lidského zdraví a schopnost dotazovaných vidět život a zdraví v peněžních termínech. In Rozvoj české společnosti v Evropské unii - 1. díl Sociologie, Prognostika a správa. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. s. 246-256. ISBN 80-86732-35-5
MELICHAR, Jan, ŠČASNÝ, Milan. Introduction to non-market valuation methods and their applications in the Czech Republic. In Development of the Czech Society in the European Union. Part V: Non-market Valuation Methods in environmental area. (Proceedings from the Conference held on October 21-23, 2004, Prague). Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. s. 35-75
FOLTÝNOVÁ, Hana, MELICHAR, Jan. Quantification of external costs in transport caused by air pollution in the Czech Republic. In Assessment the Environment. Proceedings from the round-table seminar. Prague, 2-3 October 2003. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK, 2004. s. 187-194. ISBN 80-239-3841-X
MELICHAR, Jan, BRAUN KOHLOVÁ, Markéta. Valuation of morbidity and mortality risks: a critical view on survey instruments. In ŠAUER, Petr (ed.) Environmental Economics. Policy and International Relations. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství litomyšlského semináře, 2004. s. 220-229. ISBN 80-86709-05-1
ŠČASNÝ, Milan, MELICHAR, Jan, HAVRÁNEK, Miroslav, FOLTÝNOVÁ, Hana. Report on Adaptation of ExternE Methodology to the Central and Eastern Europe. Zpráva pro EEB. Praha, 2004. 40 s.