TranExt (VaV MoT, 2007–2011)

CG712-111-520 Quantification of external costs of transport in the Czech Republic

This project aims at quantification of external costs caused by various means of transport in the Czech Republic and proposal of amendments to strategic transport policy documents and support scheme designs to reflect quantified external costs.

CG712-111-520 Quantification of external costs of transport in the Czech Republic


Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic,  Programme "Promotion of sustainable transport", sub-programme "Improving safety and reducing the negative effects of transport on health and environment", thematic heading "Reducing the negative effects of transport on health and the environment"

Project duration

April 2007 -  December 2011

Project coordinator in CUEC

JUDr. et Mgr. Vojtěch Máca, Ph.D. 

Project partners

Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i.

SC & C spol. s r.o. 

Project description

The aim of this project is to develop a methodology for quantifying the externalities of transport for the Czech Republic, which will be followed by Impact Pathway Analysis (IPA, see below) and valuate the significant external costs caused by the selected modes of transport. Quantified will be the classical air pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, road congestion and accidents. The project will include studies on non-market evaluation of noise, congestion and accidents.

The Impact Pathway Analysis (IPA) approaches to theanalysis of externalities bottom-up. The advantage of this approach is the possibility to take account of local, time- and technically specific parameters (types of fuels, the technical parameters of vehicles, local and regional meteorological conditions, population density, type of crops in a specific location, etc.). 

Project milestones

Project milestones include the following:

  • development of a general methodology for quantifying the external costs of various modes of transport in the Czech Republic,
  • calculation of external costs caused by air pollution in transport,
  • quantification of the external costs of transport in the context of global climate change,
  • calculation of the external costs caused by traffic noise,
  • calculation of external costs caused by congestion and accidents in road transport,
  • aggregation of the estimated external costs of the case areas and the proposal for the use for policy-making and preparation of supporting tools,
  • dissemination of project results.

Project outputs

[1] Brůhová - Foltýnová, Hana, Máca, Vojtěch. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation. 6. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-956648-8. Successes and failures of biofuels promotion in the Czech Republic, s. 615-631

[2] Conference External Costs of Transport: valuation of travel time and traffic noise, Praha, 16. 11. 2011, presentations.

[3] Melichar, Jan, Máca, Vojtěch. Environmental Economics and Policy: Young Researchers Perspective. Praha: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství litomyšlského semináře, 2008. ISBN 8-80-86709-14-7. A Meta-regression Analysis on Valuation of Transport Noise, s. 143-154 

[4] Máca, Vojtěch, Melichar, Jan. Critical factors in the assessment of external costs from transport: How reliable are the estimations for decision makers? In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference "Environmental Accounting - Sustainable Development Indicatiors" - 23-25 May 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J.E.Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, 2007.

[5] Melichar, Jan, Máca, Vojtěch. Critical Factors in Estimating External Costs of emissions to air from road vehicles. In Environmental Economics, Policy and International Relations, Proceedings from 9th seminar of postgraduate students, young scientists and researchers. Praha: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství litomyšlského semináře, 2007, s. 76-87

[6] Máca, Vojtěch. Představení projektu TranExt: Kvantifikace externích nákladů v podmínkách ČR. Pracovní seminář projektu "Kvantifikace externích nákladů z dopravy v podmínkách České republiky (TranExt)". Praha, 6.12. 2007.



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