The OPEDUCA Project is a globally connected network of schools, universities, business companies and government institutions brought together to implement an educational programme for young people that will equip them to promote a more sustainable future. From a holistic standpoint OPEDUCA aspires to fully integrated education by simultaneously developing competences, knowledge and first rate experience about themes that are relevant to the future.
Project Description
The OPEDUCA Project is a globally connected network of schools, universities, business companies and government institutions brought together to implement an educational programme for young people that will equip them to promote a more sustainable future. From a holistic standpoint OPEDUCA aspires to fully integrated education by simultaneously developing competences, knowledge and first rate experience about themes that are relevant to the future.
The Charles University Environment Center will work together with the one Czech secondary school involved in the project – Schola Humanitas in Litvinov – to develop themes and learning priorities relevant to the Czech context. It will also work together with other higher education institutions involved in the wider project to synthesise and analyse the results of the ways the various schools develop and apply the project outputs. Universities will also provide advice the schools with advice based on prior ESD research.
Funding Agency
European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme – COMENIUS
Project Duration
October 2013 – March 2016
CUEC coordinator
Andrew Barton, M.Int.St
Project Partners
Graaf Huyn College, Netherlands
Connect College, Netherlands
Karl Franzens Universitat Graz, Austria
Polytechnische Schule Pischelsdorf, Austria
Stiftsgymnasium Admont, Austria
City of Espoo, Finland
Etela-Eapiola High School, Finland
University of Southern Brittany, France
Polyvalent Lycee Alain Rene Lesage, France
City of Venice, Italy
Siaulia Universitetas, Lithuania
Siauliai Didzdvario Gymnasium, Lithuania
Siauliai Juvaro Progymnasium, Lithuania
Gheorghe Sincai Theoretical High School, Romania
Corneliu Coposu School, Romania
Schola Humanitas, Czech Republic
TUCEP, Italy
RCE Rhine-Meuse, Netherlands
For more information, click on the OPEDUCA project website.