Project description
The project "University Leaders in SDGs - Resources for Change" (UNILEAD I) ran in 2022 at 24 Czech public universities. It focused on 10 operational aspects of the functioning of universities with regard to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (so-called SDGs), mapping the current situation and recommending changes to a more sustainable practice. The aim of the project was to strengthen the role of universities as "efficient, responsible and inclusive" public organizations by ensuring more effective cooperation in the transfer of good practice in the implementation of sustainable development goals within the operational aspects of universities (the so-called "Resources for Change"). The output of the project was, among other things, a set of recommendations that can be applied by university management and their subsequent transfer into practice through the necessary involvement of internal and external key persons.
In 2023, the follow-up project "University Leaders in SDGs II - Engagement for Sustainability" (UNILEAD II) will run, which brings together 25 Czech public universities and focuses primarily on greater involvement of students and employees for the application of last year's recommendations in practice. Newly, the project's individual working groups operate in 5 operational areas and 3 horizontal areas.
Due to the focus of the project at Czech public universities, all project outcomes are produced in Czech language and can be found on the Czech version of the website.