VERHI-Children: Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts: Accounting for Differences Across Age, Latency and Risk Categories with a Particular Focus on Children
Valuation of infant and adult mortality by means of choice experiment and “chained” method; analysis of transferability of results of the benefit estimation. The project objective lies in contributing to the consideration of environment-related health impacts on children in developing environmental policies. In addition to the contribution in the form of elaborating on the methods of valuation of environment-related health impacts on children, this project should contribute to the creation of regulatory norms, policies, risk assessments and communication strategies.
VERHI-Children: Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts: Accounting for Differences Across Age, Latency and Risk Categories with a Particular Focus on Children 
European Comission, 6th Framework Programme
Project duration
2006–January 2008
Coordinator of the project in CUEC
Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.
Project partners
Three teams were involved in the project (along with OECD):
• University of East Anglia (Ian Bateman, Silvia Ferrini and Graham Loomes)
• Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Anna Alberini and Aline Chiabai)
• Charles University of Prague (Milan Ščasný and Markéta Braun Kohlová)
Project description
This OECD project has been implemented on the valuation of environment-related health impacts for children. The lack of empirical surveys and associated lack of data in this area has been a barrier to the provision of sound policy advice. Indeed, existing values used for monetisation of environment-related health impacts focus on adult populations and use scenarios that often do not match well with environmental scenarios. As such, there is concern that the continued use of existing estimates from unrelated contexts that do not take these factors into account may result in a misguided benefit-cost analyses, and in a possible misallocation of resources, especially when environmental policies with significant implications for children are under consideration.
To answer some of these questions in the project an original survey instrument was applied in three OECD countries (United Kingdom, Italy and the Czech Republic) that have disparities in terms of important factors, such as social insurance systems, health care systems, social concern about the environment, etc. This survey was developed so as to provide estimates of WTP for risk reductions to adult and child populations, also allowing for cross-country comparisons.
Project outputs
A number of articles and working papers have arisen out of the project, and a report summarizing the main results and policy implications of the project will be published in 2010. The results were presented at the international conference "Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts" , which took place on 17-18 September 2009 in Prague. Leading academics, as well as relevant members of the state administration served as discussants, providing comments on the papers presented, suggestions for improvements to the analysis, and potential future research avenues to pursue.