Analysis of regulation environmental impacts and prediction of Czech energy sector development – Pan-Europaen dynamic model TIMES
Analysis of regulation environmental impacts and prediction of Czech energy sector development – Pan-Europaen dynamic model TIMES
Donor: TACR (Technology Agency of the Czec Republic)
Duration: (2014 - 2015)
Project coordinator: Lukas Recka
The project localizes Pan-European dynamic partial equilibrium model TIMES into the Czech republic and develops this model in several ways:
1) detail structure of Czech energy system including the real constrains as potentials of RES;
2) regionalisation of district heating demand;
3) local heating;
4) external damage cost from energy production. The project provides a useful tool for assessing the impact of regulation on energy system and environment and for emission projections.
Key words: Pan-European partial equilibrium model; TIMES; emission projection; regulation impact assessment; energy system; environment; external damage cost; CO2; classical air pollutants; fuel mix; emission
1) Localisation of Pan-European dynamic model TIMES with detail structure of the Czech energy system and including real constrains of the Czech energy system.
2) Projection of CO2 and classical air pollutants released by energy system till 2050.
3) Sensitivity analysis of the key parameters of the model.
4) Prediction of regulation impacts on emission of CO2 and classical air pollutants, fuel use and energy production cost till
5) Certified methodology for valuation of regulation impacts on Czech energy system and the environment
6) Web application presenting the results of the project
Project team: Lukáš Rečka, Milan Ščasný, Miroslav Havránek