Final conference of the project took place on November 16, 2011
Charles University Environment Center is pleased to announce a final conference of the project Quantification of external costs of transport funded by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
EXTERNAL COSTS OF TRANSPORT: valuation of travel time and traffic noise
Keynote speakers:
Farideh Ramjerdi (Transportøkonomisk institutt)
Ståle Navrud (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
Wednesday 16 November 2011, 9:00 -17:30
Balling's Hall of National Technical Library, Technická 6, Prague - Dejvice
Leaflet with programme here.
The project aimed to provide a concise and scientifically sound methodology for quantification of external costs of transport in the Czech Republic. It builds upon a detailed bottom-up approach taking account of spatial, temporal and technology specific characteristics of land transport. The project team consisted of experts from Environment Center of Charles University in Prague, Transport Research Centre in Brno and SC&C.