Environmentally Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation

BehaviourM. Ščasný, J. Urban, I. Zvěřinová: Environmentaly Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation (Karolinum Press, Praha 2013, ISBN 978-80-246-2076-3)

M. Ščasný, J. Urban, I. Zvěřinová: Environmentaly Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation (Karolinum Press, Praha 2013, ISBN 978-80-246-2076-3)

The main objective of this book is to examine residential consumption of selected commodities and services that have significant environmental effects, in the Czech Republic. The secondary goals of this book are basically threefold. First, this book aims to point to the environmental effects of specific residential consumption behaviours. Second, it aims to show how this consumption is distributed within the Czech population in terms of socio-economic and demographic lines. Finally, this book also provides some examples of various policy measures and intervention tools that can be applied to consumption behaviours.


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