Conference Universities and Sustainable Development, Prague, 21st November


In commemoration of its 25th anniversary and with a view to welcoming new opportunities for the Charles University Environment Centre (CUEC), the Universities and Sustainable Development Conference will take place on 21st November, 2017, at Charles University’s historic site. This conference aims to explore emerging areas of sustainability education, science (especially at its policy interface) and university outreach which requires interdisciplinary cooperation in innovative education for sustainable development programs in higher education, evidence-based policy, and University cooperation with regional NGOs and businesses.

The Charles University Environment Centre was founded in 1992 as an independent institute at Charles University (Prague, CR). It focuses on conducting environmental research to provide expertise and information for students, university staff, and the general public. The Centre collaborates with parliamentary bodies, state administration, non-governmental organizations, and many academic and research institutions both nationally and abroad. The Conference Program will provide an opportunity to reaffirm CUEC’s commitment to sustainability and share the goals, principles and achievements in research and education with the University. Keynotes include a reflection on sustainability science and the role of universities by Maik Adomßent, an outline of sustainability challenges for research and education by Arthur Lyon Dahl, and consideration of the role of universities in sustainability research and education in an example from CUEC by Jan Frouz, director of the Environment Centre. Bedřich Moldan, CUEC’s founder and former director, will present a summary of sustainable development goals from a higher education perspective. Panel and audience discussions at the conference will be devoted to interdisciplinary cooperation within Charles University and other Prague universities who are signatories of the Agreement on Sustainability-Oriented Cooperation in Research and Education. Finally, employees of the Centre will present their research contributions to sustainability science in national and international arenas.

The Conference language will be in English the morning and in Czech in the afternoon. 

Registrace / Registration

Dopolední program / Morning


Registrace / Registration


Jan Frouz, director, Charles University Environment Centre


Tomáš Zima, Rector, Charles University


Sustainability science and the role of universities
Maik Adomßent, Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication (INFU)


Sustainability challenges for research and education
Arthur Lyon Dahl, International Environment Forum


Coffee break


Role of universities in sustainability research and education: an example of the Charles University Environment Centre – Jan Frouz, director, Environment Centre


Sustainable development goals from higher education perspective – Bedřich Moldan

Odpolední program


Panelová diskuse – Mezioborová spolupráce ve výzkumu a výuce v oblasti udržitelného rozvoje

Zástupci environmentálního výzkumu v rámci UK a dalších pražských vysokých škol


Přestávka na kávu

Představení Centra pro otázky životního prostředí UK


25 let Centra pro otázky životního prostředí: historie a současnost – Jan Frouz


Výzkum indikátorů environmentální udržitelnosti a jejich využitelnost v rozhodovacím procesu – Tomáš Hák


Spolupráce v sítích – zkušenosti se sdílením poznatků mezi univerzitami a dalšími společenskými aktéry – Jana Dlouhá, Jiří Dlouhý


I Češi chtějí zmírňovat změny klimatu… a další příběhy, které lze vyčíst z výsledků našeho výzkumu – Milan Ščasný




Recepce v prostorách Karolina




Charles University
Environment Centre
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