The 18th Annual Conference "Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations “Energy and Climate Economic Modelling”
organised by Charles University & University of Economics Prague
3-4 November 2016
Download information leaflet here
This Conference will provide a conductive environment for a comprehensive exchange of ideas concerning new empirical research in energy, climate and environmental economics or policy analysis. Up-to-date theoretical or empirical issues are in particular encouraged. We especially welcome submissions based on novel econometric techniques, original and extensive datasets, rigorous study designs, or important policy implications. Papers contributing to policy decision-making are also welcome. One day of the Conference will be specifically addressing issues on energy and climate economic modelling, while other day may provide a room for more broad topics, covering inter alia rigorous policy analysis or dimension of international environmental relations. The event is designed to allow time for a full presentation and discussion of each contribution. All sessions are plenary. Additionally to several standard-format sessions, two keynote lectures are part of the Conference program. Doctoral students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit their papers. All accepted papers might be published – after a peer-review process– in Charles University Institute of Economic Studies’ Working Paper series enlisted in IDEAS/RePeC database. Possibility to publish the best presented papers in a special issue of IF journal is recently considered.
The papers for the 2016 Conference will be selected on the basis of extended abstracts (3-4 pages) structured as follows: overview, methods, data and preliminary results. Young researchers, in particular, may also submit a full paper that may be considered for Special Discussion session within that each paper will be in depth discussed.
There is no conference fee, but each participant will be expected to arrange and pay for their own travel and accommodation. Please, feel free to distribute this call to all who might be interested.
September 15, 2016 – extended abstracts or full papers to be sent to
September 20, 2016 – paper acceptance confirmation
November 3-4, 2016 – Conference
Keynote lecture
Professor Anna Alberini, University of Maryland, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Conference Scientific Committee
prof. Petr Šauer, University of Economics Prague, Institute of Sustainable Business
prof. Anna Alberini, University of Maryland & FEEM
prof. Karel Janda, Charles University – Institute of Economic Studies; University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting; McGill University
Dr. Milan Ščasný, Charles University – Environment Center
Prof. Edwin Muchapondwa, University of Cape Town
Additional information about the scientific issues: prof. Petr Šauer, e-mail:
Organisation information: Inés Horváthová, e-mail: