Vědecké články
Vědecké články jsou velmi důležitým výstupem našeho Centra. Níže najdete přehled vědeckých článků, ve kterých mají spoluautorství výzkumnice a výzkumníci našeho Centra
Dlouhý, J., Dlouhá, J., (2019). Scientific Evidences on Climate Change – Objective Facts, or Arguments for Societal Transformation. Životné prostredie, 53/4, 2019
Weinzettel, J., Pfister, S. (2019) International trade of global scarce water use in agriculture: Modeling on watershed level with monthly resolution. Ecological Economics, vol. 159, May 2019, pp 301-311.
- Catalysing Change in Higher Education for Sustainable Development: A Review of Professional Development Initiatives for University Educators
- Appropriation of potential net primary production by cropland in terrestrial ecoregions
- Public Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Policies: A Discrete Choice Experiment
- Developing sustainability into a golden thread throughout all levels of education
- Design and evaluation of learning processes in an international sustainability oriented study programme. In search of a new educational quality and assessment method
- Structure of Domestic Energy Saving: How Many Dimensions?
- Impacts of carbon pricing, brown coal availability and gas cost on Czech energy system up to 2050
- Environmentální bezpečnost
- Sustainable Development Goals: A need for relevant indicators
- Design and evaluation of learning processes in an international sustainability oriented study programme
- Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries
- Measuring Rich-Country Policies Toward the Global Environment: A Critical Analysis of the Environmental Component of the Commitment to Development Index
- Indicator Policy Factsheets: A Knowledge Brokerage Tool
- Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of the former Soviet Union
- Stated preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union
- What Influences Public Acceptance of the Current Policies to Reduce GHG Emissions?
- Ecological footprint of nations
- Health Benefits of the Low Emission Zone Introduction in Prague City Centre
- Estimating raw material equivalents on a macro-level: Comparison of multi-regional input-output analysis and hybrid LCI-IO
- Exploring heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life: Cause of death v. risk perceptions
- Linking Traffic Noise, Noise Annoyance and Life Satisfaction: A Case Study
- Analýza dopadů regulace v českém elektrickém systému – aplikace dynamického lineárního modelu MESSAGE
- EAERE-2012: Mezinárodní vědecký kongres environmentálních ekonomů v Praze
- Měrné externí náklady výroby elektrické energie v...
- Learning for sustainable development in regional networks
- Learning networks with involvement of higher education institutions
- Learning networks in higher education
- Social learning indicators in sustainability-oriented regional learning networks
- Internalization of External Costs of Energy Generation
- Exploring domestic energy-saving
- What motivates Czech consumers to buy organic food?
- Valuation of Mortality Risks Attributable to Climate Change