Vědecké články

Vědecké články jsou velmi důležitým výstupem našeho Centra. Níže najdete přehled vědeckých článků, ve kterých mají spoluautorství výzkumnice a výzkumníci našeho Centra

Scientific Evidences on Climate Change – Objective Facts, or Arguments for Societal Transformation

Dlouhý, J., Dlouhá, J., (2019). Scientific Evidences on Climate Change – Objective Facts, or Arguments for Societal Transformation. Životné prostredie, 53/4, 2019

International trade of global scarce water use in agriculture: Modeling on watershed level with monthly resolution

Weinzettel, J., Pfister, S. (2019) International trade of global scarce water use in agriculture: Modeling on watershed level with monthly resolution. Ecological Economics, vol. 159, May 2019, pp 301-311. 

Increasing the influence of CO2 emissions information on car purchase

Daziano, R. A., Waygood, E.D.O., Patterson, Z., Braun Kohlová. M. 2017. Increasing the influence of CO2 emissions information on car purchase. Journal of...

Environmental Footprints of Agriculture Embodied in International Trade: Sensitivity of Harvested Area Footprint of Chinese Exports

Weinzettel, J., Wood, R. (2018) Environmental Footprints of Agriculture Embodied in International Trade: Sensitivity of Harvested Area Footprint of Chinese...

Preferences for Energy Efficiency vs. Renewables: What Is the Willingness to Pay to Reduce CO2 Emissions?

Alberini, A., Bigano, A., Ščasný, M., Zvěřinová, I. (2018) Preferences for Energy Efficiency vs. Renewables: What Is the Willingness to Pay to Reduce CO2...

Towards integrated sustainability in higher education – Mapping the use of the Accelerator toolset in all dimensions of university practice

Kapitulčinová, D., Atkisson, A., Perdue, J., Will, M. (2017) Towards integrated sustainability in higher education – Mapping the use of the...

Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics and achievements in the context of the UN DESD. Journal of Cleaner Production

Dlouhá, J.,  Henderson, L., Kapitulčinová, D., Mader, C. (2017) Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics and...

Education for Sustainable Development Goals in public debate: The importance of participatory research in reflecting and supporting the consultation process in developing a vision for Czech education

Dlouhá, J., Pospíšilová, M. (2017). Education for Sustainable Development Goals in public debate: The importance of participatory...

Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe

Janda K., Málek J., Rečka L. (2017) Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe. Energy Policy, Vol. 107,...

Catalysing Change in Higher Education for Sustainable Development: A Review of Professional Development Initiatives for University Educators

Mulà, I., Tilbury, D., Ryan, A., Mader, M., Dlouhá, J., Mader, C.,... & Alba, D. (2017). Catalysing Change in Higher Education for...


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Telefon: +420 224 491 740