Vědecké články

Vědecké články jsou velmi důležitým výstupem našeho Centra. Níže najdete přehled vědeckých článků, ve kterých mají spoluautorství výzkumnice a výzkumníci našeho Centra

Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries

UE4SD (2015) Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries....

Measuring Rich-Country Policies Toward the Global Environment: A Critical Analysis of the Environmental Component of the Commitment to Development Index

Syrovátka, M., & Hák, T. (2015). Measuring Rich-Country Policies Toward the Global Environment: A Critical Analysis of the Environmental...

Indicator Policy Factsheets: A Knowledge Brokerage Tool

Hák, T., Janoušková, S., Whitby, A., Abdallah, S., & Kovanda, J. (2015). Indicator Policy Factsheets: A Knowledge Brokerage Tool. Sustainability, 7(3),...

Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of the former Soviet Union

West, J., Schandl, H., Krausmann, F., Kovanda, J., & Hak, T. (2014). Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of...

Stated preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union

Ščasný M., Zvěřinová I. (2014) Stated preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human...

What Influences Public Acceptance of the Current Policies to Reduce GHG Emissions?

Zvěřinová I., Ščasný M., Kyselá E. (2014) What Influences Public Acceptance of the Current Policies to Reduce GHG Emissions? WP2...

Ecological footprint of nations

Weinzettel J., Steen-Olsen K., Hertwich E.G., Borucke M., Galli A. (2014) Ecological footprint of nations: Comparison of process analysis, and standard and...

Health Benefits of the Low Emission Zone Introduction in Prague City Centre

Máca, V., Melichar, J. (2013). Health Benefits of the Low Emission Zone Introduction in Prague City Centre. Transactions on Transport Sciences, 6(1),...

Estimating raw material equivalents on a macro-level: Comparison of multi-regional input-output analysis and hybrid LCI-IO

Schoer, K., Wood, R., Arto, I., Weinzettel, J., 2013. Estimating raw material equivalents on a macro-level: Comparison of multi-regional input-output analysis...

Exploring heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life: Cause of death v. risk perceptions

Alberini, A., Ščasný, M. (2013), Exploring heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life: Cause of death v. risk perceptions. Ecological...


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Telefon: +420 224 491 740