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Kovanda, J. (2022) Statistika, 102(1): 84-97
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Petiška, E., Moldan, B. (2021) Journal of Information Science, 47(2), 269-280
Czajkowski, M., Andersen, H., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Budziński, W., Elofsson, K., Hagemejer, J., Hasler, B., Humborg, C., Smart, J.C.R., Smedberg, E.,Thodsen, H., Wąs, A., Wilamowski, M., Żylicz, T., Hanley, N. (2021) Science of the Total Environment, 790(10 October 2021), 147824
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Ščasný, M., Smutná, Š. (2021) Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(2), 580-608
Urban, J., Kaiser, F.G. (2022) Frontiers in Psychology [online], 13 (5.7.2022), 875419
Faccioli, M., Czajkowski, M., Glenk, K., Martin-Ortega, J. (2020) Ecological Economics, 174 (August 2020), 106600
Mamo, T.L., Ščasný, M., Tasew, W. (2021) International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(2), 315-324
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