Venue: Charles University Prague - Carolinum, Ovocný trh 3/5, 116 36 Prague 1
Date: 8th December 2006
The Charles University Environment Center is organizing the workshop “Economic Valuation of Recreation Functions of Forest Ecosystems”. The workshop focuses on application of non-market valuation methods in the field of forestry in the Czech Republic. The current stage of research on valuation of recreation functions of forests will be presented. Further, practical and theoretical issues of this type of research will be discussed at this workshop. A particular emphasis will be given to discussion of contingent valuation method, choice experiment and travel cost method.
The workshop is addressed especially to post-graduate students, young scientists and scholars in the environmental economics, and policy makers in the field of forestry. The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The workshop and the research project on valuation of recreation functions of forests is supported by the Czech Ministry of Agriculture. The description of the research project is here.
To get more detailed information about the workshop and project on “Monetary valuation of recreational and aesthetical function of forest in the Czech Republic”, please, contact the project coordinator Mr. Jan Melichar (e-mail:
Workshop presentations
Invitation and introduction - Jan Melichar (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 119 kB)
Part I: Non-market valuation of forestry in the Central Europe and non-market valuation methods
Forest non-market valuation studies in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland: a review - Anna Bartczak (Warsaw University, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center) (pdf, 233 kB)
The economic valuation of the change of forest quality in the Jizerské hory mountains: a contingent behavior model - Jan Melichar (Charles University Environment Center)
Conjoint rating and ranking from the point of view of a neo-classical economist - Jan Brůha (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 558 kB)
Part II: Current research on valuation of recreational function of forest in the Czech Republic
Specification of RUM model, the choice set and design of a survey - Jan Melichar (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 1061 kB)
Experiences with pre-testing of a survey instrument for forest valuation in the Czech Republic: problems and experiences - Jan Urban (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 251 kB)
Part III: On-site Sampling and valuation case studies
Sampling strategies for on-site sampling: an overview - Jan Urban (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 133 kB)
Assessing recreation values of Střížovický vrh by contingent valuation method: problems and experiences - Petr Lupač (Charles University) (pdf, 375 kB)
Sampling strategy and administration of an on-site survey at Macha’s lake: the case of water quality study - Hana Škopková (Charles University Environment Center) (pdf, 199 kB)