Zvěřinová I., Ščasný M., Kyselá E. (2014) What Influences Public Acceptance of the Current Policies to Reduce GHG Emissions? WP2 Deliverable 2.5. Prague, Charles University Environment Centre. odkaz na článek/full text of the article
Zvěřinová I., Ščasný M., Kyselá E. (2014) What Influences Public Acceptance of the Current Policies to Reduce GHG Emissions? WP2 Deliverable 2.5. Prague, Charles University Environment Centre. odkaz na článek/full text of the article
Charles University
Environment Centre
José Martího 407/2
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 220 199 460
Information about data protection
Data Protection Officer
Mgr. Jan Jindra
E-mail: gdpr@cuni.cz
Phone: +420 224 491 740