The influence of urban greenspaces on people’s physical activity: A population-based study in Spain

Silvestre García de Jalón, Aline Chiabai, Sonia Quiroga, Cristina Suárez, Milan Ščasný, Vojtěch Máca, Iva Zvěřinová, Sibila Marques, Daniela Craveiro, Timothy Taylor, The influence of urban greenspaces on people’s physical activity: A population-based study in Spain, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 215, 2021, 104229, ISSN 0169-2046,

Past research has described positive associations between exposure to urban greenspaces and people's physical activity. However, there is variation in the relationship since it may differ according to the type of physical activity, socio-economic factors and use, as well as intrinsic characteristics of greenspaces. This study assesses the influence of urban greenspaces on distinct types of physical activity accounting for indicators such as vegetation quantity, tree cover density and green surface.


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