Exploring and Visualizing Stakeholder Value Regimes in the Context of Peri-Urban Park Planning

Daněk, J., Zelený, J., Pecka Sejková, A., Vačkářová, D. (2020) Society and Natural Resources, 33(7), 927-940

Peri-urban zones are an emerging issue in the analysis of urban areas as social-ecological systems. This work presents a process of developing support tools for local planning and decision-making, which were used to facilitate discussion between stakeholders about planning a future peri-urban park in the south of Prague, Czech Republic. Sociological methods were employed to describe and visualize the attitudes, communication patterns and value regimes of involved stakeholders. The research developed and tested an approach to map the distribution of stakeholder value regimes related to the study area and demonstrated its capability in facilitating communication between stakeholders. The output maps can serve as practical support tools and provide efficient means during the search for consensus on a form of shared governance in the future peri-urban park.


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