People who do not eat enough fruit and vegetables (F&V) have incremental health risks. Most Europeans do not comply with health recommendations relating to F&V consumption and this is especially true for those with lower-level education, which reinforces structural inequalities in health and wellbeing among Europeans. This study investigated the role of key behavioural triggers – capabilities, opportunities and motivation (in the COM-B model) – as pathways for educational differentials in F&V intake in Europe.
Explaining inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake in Europe: The role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations
Daniela Craveiro, Sibila Marques, Iva Zvěřinová, Vojtěch Máca, Milan Ščasný, Aline Chiabai, Cristina Suarez, Pablo Martinez-Juarez, Silvestre García de Jalón, Sonia Quiroga, Timothy Taylor, Explaining inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake in Europe: The role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations, Appetite, Volume 165, 2021, 105283, ISSN 0195-6663, (