Full conference name: External Costs of Waste Treatment, Food Production, And Industry: Harmonising And Sharing of Operational Estimates
Venue: Charles University in Prague - Carolinum, Ovocny trh 3/5, 116 36 Prague 1
Date: 11th December 2006
The Charles University Environment Center, in cooperation with the AEA Technology Environment, are organizing The Conference “External costs of waste handling and disposal, from food production and emissions from industries: harmonising and sharing of operational estimates”.
The aim of the Conference is to present the results and tools from the Method-Ex Project funded by the 6th Framework project of the European Commission. The main objectives of the project are advance best practice in external cost assessment. It is extending the ExternE analysis to waste, industry and agricultural sectors, and demonstrating with case studies. It has also developed some tools to help policy makers with externality analysis - first with a database of externality studies - and second with a policy tool-box to simplify externality assessments. Finally the project has investigated data transferability, with a focus on benefits transfer to accession countries, to permit wider application of the resulting methods, data and information.
The Conference will be convened in the historical buildings of Charles University (14th century) in the beautiful centre of the Prague city. To get more detailed information about the MethodEx project and the Conference, please, contact the project coordinator Mr. Paul Watkiss (e-mail: