A working paper published within OECD SWACHE project was authored by our colleagues Iva Zvěřinová and Milan Ščasný

Iva Zvěřinová and Milan Ščasný, researchers from the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology of the Charles University Environment Centre, worked on a large scale OECD project Surveys on Willingness-to-Pay to Avoid Negative Chemicals-Related Health Impacts (SWACHE). They are authors of a working paper named "Valuing a reduction in the risk of very low birth weight". The project goal is to establish internationally comparable values for individuals’ willingness-to-pay to avoid negative health effects due to chemicals exposure.

To derive willingness-to-pay values, surveys of a large number of citizens of 22 countries have been conducted. The survey results show that people are willing to pay a significant amount of money to reduce their risk of developing various negative health effects

Project description, the main results, interactive graphs, the brochure and links to the working papers are available here.


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