Prezentace z konference „Assessing the Impacts of Environmental Regulation by Macroeconomic Models“ jsou dostupné ke stažení níže.
- Ščasný, M.: Introduction (pdf, 863 kB)
- Kuták, A.: Policy Context: Proposals on Environmental Tax Reform, Energy and Emission Taxation in the Czech Republic and the role of MODEDR Project (pdf, 148 kB)
- Markandya, A.: Importance of modelling in environmental policy and decision-making (pdf, 168 kB)
- Sterner, T.: Efficient Environmental Regulation and its Impacts (pdf, 520 kB)
- Máca, V.: Economic Rationale for Regulation (pdf, 2110 kB)
- Van Regemorter, D.: Modelling Impacts of Energy And Environmental Policies (pdf, 636 kB)
- Kiuila, O.: Preliminary results from CGE model (pdf, 175 kB)
- Ščasný, M., Píša, V.: Economic and Environmental Impacts Assessed by Econometric Model E3ME (pdf, 4125 kB)
- Blesl, M.: Assessing the Impacts by Pan-European TIMES Model (pdf, 1094 kB)
- Balajka, J; Rečka, L. : Energy Supply-Side Optimisation Model MESSAGE (pdf, 797 kB)
- Spitz, J.: Energy Flow Optimisation Model for the Czech Republic (pdf, 4218 kB)
- Lízal, L.: Auctioning CO2 Permits in the Czech Republic (pdf, 117 kB)
- Weinzettel, J.: Linking Input-Output Model With Material Flow Analysis (pdf, 474 kB)
- Kiuila, O.: CGE Model of the Czech Economy (pdf, 120 kB)