Literatura zahraniční

Na této stránce vám pro vaši inspiraci nabízíme seznam zahraniční literatury, která se týká udržitelného rozvoje na vyšších a vysokých školách. Tento seznam sestavili naši kolegové z Mezinárodní asociace univerzit (IAU) u příležitosti konference Education for a Sustainable Future (10. - 11. září 2003 v Praze), kterou IAU pořádala společně s Univerzitou Karlovou. Seznam lze prohlížet také na

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Adequate and sustainable funding of African universities

Negrao, José  / Association of African Universities [Ghana].-- Accra, 1995.  21 p.  Incl. bibl.

MEETING: Joint Colloquium on the University in Africa. Lesotho, 1995.


Affording the unaffordable: planning and financing sustainable education systems in sub-Saharan Africa (Education research)

Penrose, Perran  / UK. Overseas Development Administration.-- London, 1993.  39 p.


AISHE: Auditing Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education

Roorda, Niko  / Dutch Committe for Sustainable Higher Education; Dutch Foundation on Sustainable Higher Education; Netherlands. Ministry of Environmental Affairs.-- 2001.  120 p.


Approaches to Sustainable Development: The Public university in the regional economy

Forrant, Robert; Ed..-- University of Massachusetts Press, 2001.  480 p.   ISBN: 1-55849-311-5


Beating the labirynth: the sustainability of international co-operation programmes in higher education

Boeren, Ad  / Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education.-- 2000.

86 p. ISBN: 90-5538-046-6


Commonwealth Higher Education Support Scheme: strengthening capacity for sustainable development

Commonwealth Secretariat [UK]. Human Resource Development Group.-- London, 1990.  46 p.  Report of a Commonwealth Expert Group, June 1990.


La Construction de l'interdisciplinarité en formation intégrée de l'environnement et du développement: les leçons d'expérience d'une collaboration interuniversitaire

Zanoni, Magda; Raynaut, Claude.-- 1993.

MEETING: Réunion sur les modalités de travail des Chaires UNESCO du développement durable. Curitiba, Brazil, 1993.


COPERNICUS in Lüneburg: Higher education in the context of sustainable development and globalization

Van Dam-Mieras, Rietje; Ed.; Michelsen, Gerd; Ed.; Winkelmann, Hans-Peter; Ed..-- Frankfurt am Main, Verlag für Akademishe Schriften, 2002.  253 p.   (Innovation in Higher Education: Sustainable Development. v.8) ISBN: 3-88864-357-0

CONTENTS: I. Higher Education and Sustainable Development - Universities, society and sustainability (M.C.E.(Rietje) van Dam-Mieras, G.Michelsen, H.P.Winkelmann); Sustainable development: the interdependence of different domains (M.C.E.(Rietje) van Dam-Mieras); System innovation for sustainability in Europe: the contribution of higher education (L.Jansen) II. Sustainability and Education - Reflections on learning and sustainable development (M.C.E.(Rietje) van Dam-Mieras); Teacher education for sustainability: a case study of the UNESCO Multimedia Teacher Education Programme (J.Fien); ICT and Working together at a distance: European Virtual Seminar on Enlargement and Sustainable Development (R.van Dam-Mieras, R. Corvers, H-P.Winkelmann); Think forward, act now: training young researchers for sustainability. Reshaping the relationship between PhD student and adviser (M-C.Roland, A-M.Chevre, J.Chadoeuf, B.Hubert, J.Bonnemaire); New ways of academic education: chances for sustainability (W.P.M.F.Ivens) III. Translating Theory into Practice - Higher education and sustainable development in Germany: the example of the University of Lüneburg (G.Michelsen); The Dutch example: a bottom-up approach to integrating sustainable development in higher education (E.R.van Mansvelt); The UK higher education partnership for sustainability (H.Buckland, F.Brookes, D.Seddon, A.Johnston, S.Parkin); A network of knowledge and practices for sustainability: an Italian Project linking university, school system and local community through participation to Agenda 21 processes (P.Ciceri, C.Bargellini, F.Setti); U.S.Progress towards sustainability in higher education (W.Calder, R.M.Clugston) IV. Ways to Institutionalize the Concepts - On the meaning of institutional commitment and institutional assessment (P.Blaze Corcoran, E.R.van Mansvelt); The Earth Charter: an Ethical framework for "good" globalization (P.Blaze Corcoran); COPERNICUS-CAMPUS - The University Network for sustainability in Europe (H-P.Winkelmann).


Creating a common future

Jenks Clarke, Helen; Ed.  / Dalhousie University [Canada]. Lester B. Pearson Institute for International Development; UN University [Japan]; Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada [AUCC].-- Halifax, 1992.  166 p.   ISBN: 0-7703-0465-6

MEETING: Conference on University Action for Sustainable Development. Halifax, Canada, 1991. Proceedings.


De l'Université urbanisée à l'université urbaine en passant par la cité universitaire

Singleton, Mike.-- 1995.  14 p.

MEETING: Round Table on the University and Sustainable Development. Paris, 1995.

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: PRELUDE: Programme de recherche et de liaison universitaire pour le développement.


Un Développement durable dans un monde dynamique: améliorer les institutions, la croissance et la qualité de vie: résumé (Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 2003).

Banque Mondiale.-- Washington,D.C., 2003.  30 p.   ISBN: 0-8213-5188-5

Le Développement Durable: Dynamique et constitution d'un projet

Zaccaï, Edwin.-- Bruxelles, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2002.  358 p. ISBN: 90-5201-974-6

CONTENTS: 1. La notion de développement durable. 2. Recours à la durabilité: changements et environnement. 3. Dans le courant du développement. 4. Mise en forme dans la politique internationale. 5. Essais de représentation des limites de l'environment. 6. Approches économique. 7. Réponse de entreprises.


Ecotechnic Chair Networking and Education for Sustainable Development

UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for the Arab States [Egypt]; UNESCO Cairo Office.-- Cairo, 1998.  52 p.

MEETING: Workshop: Report. Aswan, Egypt, 1998.


Educating for a sustainable future: a transdisciplinary vision for concerted action (Eduquer pour un avenir viable: une vision transdisciplinaire pour l'action concertée; Educación para un futuro sostenible: una visión transdisciplinaria para una acción concertada). Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability (Environnement et Société: Education et Sensibilisation du Public à la Viabilité)

UNESCO.-- Paris, 1997.  42 p.

MEETING: International Conference. Thessaloniki, 1997.

CONTENTS: What is "sustainability"?; Public awareness and understanding: the fuel for change; Reorienting education to support sustainability; Shifting to sustainable lifestyles: changing consumption and production pattern; Ethics, culture and equity: sustainability as a moral imperative; Mobilizing for action.


Enhancing global sustainability: position paper and proposals by UNESCO

UNESCO. Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.-- New York, 2002.  21 p.


L'Espace universitaire

Rousseau, Virginie.-- 1995.  4 p.

MEETING: Round Table on the University and Sustainable Development. Paris, 1995.

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: PRELUDE: Programme de recherche et de liaison universitaire pour le             développement.


Evidence for Hope: The Search for sustainable development. The story of the International Institute for Environment and Development

Cross, Nigel  / International Institute for Environment and Development [UK].-- London, Earthscan Publications, 2003.  238 p.   ISBN: 1-85383-855-1


The future of the big city: sustainable environmental policy

International Association of University Presidents [IAUP].-- 2000.  225 p.

MEETING: International Conference of University Presidents // IAUP Executive Committee Meeting 2000 // IAUP Meeting of South East Asian Council. Bangkok, 2000.

CONTENTS: Selected papers: Current state of environment in big cities: the role of a university in their sustainable management (D.C.W.Nkhuwa); Education for sustainable development (R.Dizon); The mainframe design and the scenario of environment university 2005 (K.Tonioka); New Jersey higher education initiative for sustainability (R.Applbaum); Role of universities in solving the problems of big cities (A.Eskandari); Coping with the environmental problems of the New Millenium: the challenge to Philippine universities (A.M.Santiago); How to prepare university community to deal with environmental problems: a case study: the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (C.Sola).


The Global Market for Higher Education: Sustainable competetive strategies for new millenium

Mazzarol, Tim; Soutar, Geoffrey N..-- Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.  208 p.

ISBN: 1-84064-329-3

CONTENTS: 1. Education as a marketable service 2. Facing the next millenium 3. What brings success? 4. A Student's perspective 5. Developing a sustainable competitive advantage 6. Global marketing of education services 7. A model of competitive advantage for education services 8. Implications of the model 9. Developing sustainable strategies 10. Policy prescriptions for global education.


Globalization, Universities and Issues of Sustainable Human Development

Pyle, Jean L.; Ed.; Forrant, Robert; Ed..-- Cheltencham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.  276 p.

ISBN: 1-84064-835-x

CONTENTS: Part I. Globalization and the challenges confronting the university. Part II. Answering the challenge: the university, knowledge creation and sustainable human development process.


Green Guide: A User's Guide to Sustainable Development for Canadian Colleges

Association of Canadian Community Colleges; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy [Canada].-- 1992.  201 p.   ISBN: 1-895643-16-3

CONTENTS: This guide provides an overview of the steps involved in creating an environmentally sustainable college. In drawing together reports from members of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) which have taken various initiatives to "green" their campuses, it focuses on the principles, strategies, and goals which underlie the objective of reducing or eliminating the negative impact such institutions may have on the environment. The guide is organized into four chapters: (1) "A Green Vision" is an attempt to portray one image of what a future "green college" might be like; (2) "Institutional Greening" includes contributions which describe the process of transition to more environmentally sensitive college/institute operations, mandates, policies, management styles, and organizational characteristics; (3) "Case Studies" draws together reports from member institutions striving to come to grips with environmental challenges; and (4) "Tools" identifies resources and provides practical tools (includes samples of environmental audits, fiscal planning tools and payback calculation models for specific interventions, a directory of environment sector training programs, and a directory of environmental organizations).


Implementing sustainable development at university level: a manual of good practice

Leal Filho, Walter; Ed.; MacDermott, Frances; Ed.; Padgham, Jenny; Ed.  / European Research and Training Centre on Environmental Education [UK]; Association of European Universities [Switzerland].-- Bradford, 1996.  180 p.   ISBN: 1-85143-147-7


CONTENTS: Introduction; 1. Implementing sustainable development: a case study (Ginkel van); 2. Environmental policy at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Riera); 3. Environmental ethics (Schleicher); 4. Staff development for curriculum greening at the University of Hertfordshire (Ali Khan); 5. An environmental education programme on sustainable socio-economic transition and resource develeopment (Vadineanu and Risnoveanu); 6. Problems in operationalising the ideal of a multidisciplinary curriculum in environmental studies (Forbes); 7. Developing university distance education on sustainability (Rydén); 8. Networking (Maarleveld); 9. Environmental improvement through environmental partnership: the Nottingham experience (Moohan); 10. Environmental education and continuing education (Leal Filho); 11. Training, Information and Dissemination Centre on Energy Management (TIDCEM): an investment in technology transfer and the education of decision makers (Leca); 12. Teaching global problems at classical universities: some experiences from interdisciplinary education in Uppsala (Forsberg and Gustafsson and Hällström


Improving the management of sustainable development: towards a new strategic framework for large developing countries: China, India, and Indonesia (UNU Report)

Palanivel, Thangavel; Park, Jacob  / UN University; Institute of Advanced Studies.-- Tokyo, 2002. 33p.


Indicators of sustainable development: framework and methodologies

United Nations [UN].-- New York, 1996.  428 p.   ISBN: 92-1-104470-7


Integrating Concepts of Sustainability into Education for Agriculture and Rural Development

Van den Bor, Wout; Holen, Peter; Wals, Arjen; Leal Filho, Walter Eds.  -- Frankfurt, Berlin, New York, Oxford, Wien, Peter Lang, 2000. 329 p. ISBN: 0-8204-4763-3


International Experience on Sustainability

Leal Filho, Walter; Ed..-- Bern,Frankfurt,New York,Vienna, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2002.  238 p.   (Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability. 12) ISBN: 3-631-50110-2


The Islamic World and the Sustainable Development [Specificities, Challenges and Commitments]. Documents submitted to the World Summit on Sustainable Development

Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [ISESCO].-- Rabat, 2002.  180 p.

ISBN: 9981-26-319-2

MEETING: Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers. 1st. Jeddah, 2002.


Johannesburg Summit 2002: Challenges and partnership (World Summit on Sustainable Development)

London, Agenda Publishing, 2002.  195p.


Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems

UNESCO.-- Paris, UNESCO Publishing.  Oxford, EOLSS, 2002.  1-3 vol.   ISBN: 0-9542989-0-x


Learning to live together in peace and harmony: values education for peace, human rights, democracy and sustainable development for the Asia-Pacific Region; a UNESCO-APNIEVE sourcebook for teacher education and tertiary level education

UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Thailand].-- Bangkok, 1998.  182 p.


Lifelong Learning and Environmental Education

Leal Filho, Walter, Ed.. - Frankfurt, Berlin, Brno, New York, Paris, Wien. Peter Lang, 1997. 201 p. ISBN: 3-631-32258-5


The Making of Green Knowledge: Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation

Jamison, Andrew.-- Cambridge University Press, 2001.  218 p.   ISBN: 0521796873


Metaphors for Change: Partnerships, tools and civic action for sustainability

Allen, Penny; Ed.; Bonazzi, Christophe; Ed..-- Sheffield, Greenleaf Publishing,  2001.  326 p.

ISBN: 1-874719-37-3


Organizing knowledge for environmentally and socially sustainable development: Proceedings

Serageldin, Ismail; Ed.; Husain, Tariq; Ed.; Martin-Brown, Joan; Ed.; López Ospina, Gustavo; Ed.; Damlamian, Jeanne; Ed.  / World Bank; UNESCO.-- Washington, D.C., 1998.  92 p.   (Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development) ISBN: 0-8213-4250-9

MEETING: Concurrent Meeting of the Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development "Partnerships for Global Ecosystem Management: Science, Economics and Law". 5th. Washington, D.C., 1997.


Our Common Illiterracy: Education as if the earth and people mattered

Jucker, Rolf.-- Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York,Oxford, Wien, Peter Lang, 2002.  364 p.   (Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability. v10) ISBN: 3-631-39117-X

CONTENTS: Our Common Illiteracy takes seriously the international consensus that Education for Sustainability is crucial to the survival of humankind. It establishes the principles of a sustainable society and performs a rigorous assessment of the resons for our unsustainable present. Only on that foundation, it is argued, can the role of education in the transition to a sustainable society be meaningfully assessed. Such an approach is by necessity complex, transdisciplinary and broad. It has to acknowledge the limited significance of education within contemporary society, along with other 'educators' such as the media, the economy and the shadow curriculum of institutional practice. The book ends with 28 practical strategies to foster Education for Sustainability.


Our Fragile World: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development (Forerunner to the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems)

Tolba, Mostafa K.; Ed.  / UNESCO.-- Oxford, Eolss Publishers, 2001.  2263 p.

ISBN: 0-9534944-7-0


Preparing for a sustainable future: higher education and sustainable human development; thematic debate (L'Enseignement supérieur el le développement durable: débat thématique; La Educación superior y el desarrollo humano sostenible: debate temático)

Van Ginkel, Hans  / International Association of Universities [IAU]; UNESCO.-- Aug. 1998.  21 p.

MEETING: UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century [WCHE]: Vision and Action. Paris, 1998.


The Principles of Sustainability

Dresner, Simon.-- London, Earthscan Publications, 2002.  200 p.   ISBN: 1-85383-841-1


Promoting education, public awareness and training. Report of the Secretary General (Promotion de l'éducation, de la sensibilisation du public et de la formation. Rapport du Secrétaire général)

United Nations [UN].-- New York, 1996.  7 p.

MEETING: Commission on Sustainable Development. 4th. New York, 1996.


Qui a peur de l'an 2000?: guide d'éducation relative à l'environnement pour le développement durable

Villeneuve, Claude  / UNESCO.-- Sainte-Foy(Québec), Editions MultiMondes, 1998.  303 p.

ISBN: 92-3-203437-9


Research capacity for sustainable development: report of a field study in Ghana, Kenya and Kerala (India)

Monroe Shrum, Wesley  / Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council [RAWOO].-- The Hague, 1996.  51 p. ISBN: 90-71367-20-7


The role of university in regional development: the case of Poland and Slovakia

Jalowiecki, Bohdan; Zarycki, Tomasz; Zajac, Stefan  / Warsaw University [Poland]. UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development.-- Warsaw, 1997.  58 p.

CONTENTS: 1. Functions of university education. 2. The state of university education: Poland, Slovakia. 3. Regional pattern of higher education - centers creating knowledge and technology transfer: Poland, Slovakia. 4 Regional differentiation of mobility of persons employed in science: Poland.


Science, traditional knowledge and sustainable development

UNESCO; International Council for Science.-- Paris, 2002.  24 p.   (ICSU Series on Science for Sustainable Development. no.4)


Stumbling Toward Sustainability

Dernbach, John C.; Ed.  / Environmental Law Institute [USA].-- Washington,DC, 2002.  1004 p.

ISBN: 1-58576-036-6


Sustainability and the social sciences: a cross-disciplinary approach to integrating environmental considerations into theoretical reorientation

Becker, Egon; Ed.; Jahn, Thomas  / UNESCO; Institute for Social-Ecological Research [Germany].-- Zed Books, 1999.  336 p.   ISBN: 1-85649-708-9


Sustainability and university life

Leal Filho, Walter; Ed..-- Peter Lang, 1999.  270 p.   (Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability. no.5) ISBN: 3-631-35297-2

CONTENTS: 1. Sustainability and university life: some European perspectives (W.Leal Filho); 2. Critical dimensions of sustainability in higher education 5R.M.Clugston and W.Calder); 3. Driving environmental strategy with stakeholder preferences: a case study of the University of Surrey (A.Davey, G.Earl and R.Clift); 4. Technology and sustainable development: sustainability as a challenge for engineers (K.F.Mulder); 5. Sustainability through incremental steps?: the case of campus greening at Rensselaer (S.Breyman); 6. Managing U.S. campuses with an ecological vision (A.Arenas); 7.Institutional change and leadership in greening the campus (A.Allen) 9. Institutional commitment to the environment and sustainability: a peak of excellence at Middlebury College (N.Jenks-Jay); 10. University support to local and regional agenda initiatives for sustainable development (A.Megerle, H.Megerle); 11. Sustainability and higher education in Asia-Pacfic (J.Park and T.Tschang); 12. Promoting environmental  citizenship and sustainability in regional campuses 13. The Dutch sustainability award for higher education 1988 (H.Lans) 14. Transformation or irrelevance: the challenge of academic planning for environmental education in the 21st Century (D.Orr); 15. Greening campuses: an overview of student activism and progressive administration (S.Cole); 16. Sustainable agriculture and land management in the liberal arts: a case study (E.Bakko) App.1 University and sustainability: an African perspective (S.Katikiti).


Sustainability and University Life

Leal Filho, Walter, Ed.-- Second, revised edition,  Peter Lang, 2000. 270 p. ISBN 3-631-36810-0


Sustainable development and graduate employment: the African context

Ekong, Donald  / UNESCO. In: Graduate prospects in a changing society, pp. 109-117.-- Paris, 1998.


Sustainable development and the new economy: Forum highlights

OECD.-- Paris, 2001.  53 p.   ISBN: 92-64-19511-4

MEETING: OECD Forum "Building Partnerships for a Sustainable Development", 2001.


Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming institutions, growth, and quality of life (World Development Report 2003)

World Bank.-- New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2003.  250 p.  ISBN: 0-8213-5150-8


Sustainable development: concepts, rationalities and strategies

Faucheux, Sylvie; O'Connor, Martin; Straaten, Jan van der.-- Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.  332 p.   ISBN: 0-7923-4884-2

CONTENTS: The book contains 17 chapters, written by analysts coming from many continents, which portray the state of the art in ecological economics thinking on sustainable development. The selection of methodological contributions, richly illustrated by empirical observations, highlights how a new generation of economists is confronting new problems of irreversible environmental change, uncertainty and social equity in the long-term.


Sustainable development: Education, the Force of Change

UNESCO.-- Paris, 1999.  320 p.   ISBN: 92-9143-039-0

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: Transdisciplinary Project "Educating for a Sustainable Future".


Sustainable Development: Theory and practice regarding the transition of socio-economic systems towards sustainability

Vadineanu, Angheluta  / UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education [Romania].-- Bucharest, 2001.  304 p.   (Studies on Science and Culture) ISBN: 92-9069-163-2


Sustaining the future: economic, social, and environmental change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Benneh, George; Morgan, William B.; Uitto, Juha I.  / UN University [Japan].-- Tokyo; New York; Paris, UN University Press, 1996.  365 p.   ISBN: 92-808-0918-0


Taking complexity seriously: policy analysis, triangulation and sustainable development

Roe, Emery.-- Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.  152 p.   ISBN: 0-7923-8058-4

CONTENTS: Part I: Analysing policy issues of high uncertainty and complexity. Part II: The sustainable development controversy. Introduction. 1. Sustainable development and Girardian economics. 2. Sustainable development and cultural theory. 3. Sustainable development and critical theory. 4. Sustainable development and the local justice framework. 5. Triangulating on sustainable development. Part III: The sharp edge of the sword: a case of sustainable development.


Teaching Sustainability: Towards curriculum greening

Leal Filho, Walter; Ed..-- Bern,Frankfurt,New York,Vienna, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2002.  570p.   (Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability) ISBN: 3-631-39837-9


L'Université et la pertinence de réseaux associatifs pour une necessaire hybridation de savoirs, condition d'un développement urbain durable; dix ans d'expérience de PRELUDE

Thill, Georges.-- 1995.  10 p.

MEETING: Round Table on the University and Sustainable Development. Paris, 1995.

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: PRELUDE: Programme de recherche et de liaison universitaire pour le développement.


The University and sustainable urban development

UNESCO. Division of Higher Education.-- Paris, 1995.  168 p.   (New Papers on Higher Education: Meeting Documents. no. 10)

MEETING: UNESCO-PRELUDE Round Table. Paris, 1995. Proceedings.


University presidents' workshop: learning and sustainability: March 13, 1995: summary report

MacLeod, Jack; Doucet, Carla  / National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy [Canada].-- Ottawa, 1996.  26 p.

DESCRIPTORS: environmental education; conference reports; sustainable development; Canada.


Windows on the world: university partnerships, international cooperation, sustainable development

McAllister, Ian; Ed.  / Dalhousie University [Canada] Lester Pearson Institute for International Development.-- Halifax, 1993.  439 p.   ISBN: 0-7703-9486-8





Building partnerships for sustainable development: Federal University of Mato Grosso (Theme issue: University Action for Sustainable Development)

Speller, Paulo  / International Association of Universities.-- In: Higher Education Policy, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31-32, March 1992


The challenge of sustainable development and the role of universities

Toakley, A.R.; Aroni, S. / International Association of Universities. - In: Higher Education Policy, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 331-346, 1998


Characterizing undergraduate engineering students' understanding of sustainability

Carew, A.L.; Mitchell, C.A..-- In: European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 349-361, 2002


Complejidad, interdisciplina y sustentabilidad del desarrollo: una mirada desde la educación superior

Riojas Rodriguez, Javier  / Universidad Iberoamericana.-- In: Umbral XXI, no. 26-27, pp. 61-66, 1998.


La Construcción de la interdisciplinariedad en formación integrada del ambiente y del desarrollo

Raynaut, Claude; Zanoni, Magda  / Regional Centre for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean [Venezuela].--  In: Educación superior y sociedad, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 30-54, 1993


La cumbre de la tierra: una agenda universitaria (The earth summit: university agenda)

Gabaldón, Arnaldo José  / Fondo Editorial para el Desarrollo de la Educación Superior [Venezuela]; Grupo Universitario Latinoamericano de Estudios para la Reforma y Perfeccionamiento de la Educación [Venezuela]; International Association of University Presidents.-

In: Universitas 2000, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 153-158, 1993


Dealing with misconceptions on the concept of sustainability

Leal Filho, Walter  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future .-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9-19, 2000


Desenvolvimento sustentável: a universidade e a ética do planeta harmônico e da cidadania plena (Sustainable development: the university and the ethics of a harmonious planet and of full citizenship)

Almeida, José Maria G. de  / Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Brasileiras [Brazil].-- In: Educaçao Brasileira, vol. 15, no. 31, pp. 37-55, 1993.

Education and sustainable development: historical perspectives and projections for Barbados

Downes, Andrew S.  / Organization of American States.-- In: La educación: revista interamericana de desarrollo educativo, no. 120, pp. 69-82, 1995


Education for sustainability: an approach to the professional development of teachers

Gayford, Chris  / Association for Teacher Education in Europe [Belgium].-- In: European Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 313-327, 2001


Education for Sustainable Development: The Engineer of the 21st Century

Velasquez, Luis E.; Munguia, Nora E.; Romo, Miguel A..-- In: European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24,  no. 4  pp. 359-70, 1999

CONTENTS: Describes the way in which the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Sonora in Mexico is facing the challenges posed by sustainable development


Education for sustainable development; Education for all (Educación para un desarrollo sostenible; Educación para todos)

UNESCO International Bureau of Education.--  In: Prospects: quarterly review of comparative education, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 31-142, 2000


Education for sustainable living: a useful concept?

Le Grange, L..-- In: South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 49-55, 2002


Evolving towards education for sustainable development: an international perspective

Hopkins, Charles; Damlamian, Jeanne; López Ospina, Gustavo.-- In: Nature and Resources, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 2-11, 1996


Going Green at Liverpool John Moores University

Blythe, John; Calder, Wynn  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future [USA].-- In: The Declaration, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 4-6, 1999


Higher education

Calder, Wynn; Clugston, Richard M.  / Environmental Law Institute [USA] In: Stumbling Toward Sustainability. Edited by John C. Dernbach, pp. 625-645.-1004 p.   ISBN: 1-58576-036-6


Higher education, Capacity-Building and social development for the 21st century

Atal, Yogesh  / Facultés Universitaires de Namur [Belgium].--  In: Prelude, vol. 9, no. 28-30, pp. 21-26, 1994

MEETING: UNESCO/ONG Collective Consultation on Higher Education. 4th. Paris, 1994.

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: Programme of Research and Liaison between Universities for Development.


The Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz: Germany's first registered environmental management [EMAS] at an institution of higher education

Delakowitz, Bernd; Hoffman, Anke  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.--  In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 35-47, 2000


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Educatio. Special students' edition

Wright , Tarah, Guest editor/ Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future. --, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 208-209, 2003

ABSTRACT: Introduces the special issue on environmental sustainability initiatives in higher education. Highlights the work accomplished by students on college and university campuses around the world. Notes that the papers illustrate the challenges and success students have encountered while working toward sustainability.


Is today shaping tomorrow for tertiary education in Australia?: a comparison of policy and practice

Howard, Jonathon; Mitchell, David; Spennemann, Dirk; Webster-Manniso, Marci  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.--  In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 83-96, 2000


Learning sustainability from crisis

Serrano, Isagani  / International Council for Adult Education.-- In: Convergence, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 78-101, 2000

CONTENTS: Analyzes the Asian economic crisis and media messages about it. Promotes education for sustainability, which has broader goals of social transformation. Describes new forms of social learning that are necessary to resolve the global crises of the environment and development


Modelo de acreditación de acceso, calidad y pertinencia para la transformación de la educación superior: hacia una política de educación superior para el desarrollo sostenido con equidad en la región de las América y el Caribe

Aponte, Eduardo  / UNESCO Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean [Venezuela].-- In: Educación superior y sociedad, vol. 8, no. 2, pp.15-32, 1997

Moving the Americas toward sustainable development

Welsh Brown, Janet; Gabaldón, Arnoldo.-- In: La Educación: Inter-American Review of Educational Development/Revista Interamericana de Desarrollo Educativo/Revue Interaméricaine de Développement Educatif/Revista Interamericana de Desenvolvimento Educacional, vol. 37, no. 115, p. 273-288, 1993


National town meeting for a sustainable America: an opportunity to advance higher education for sustainability

Rogers, Thomas J.  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future [USA].-- In: The Declaration, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1,3, 1999


Overcoming barriers to campus greening: a survey among higher educational institutions in London,UK

Dahle, Marianne; Neumayer, Eric  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future [USA].-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.139-160, 2001


Quality of life case studies for university teaching in sustainable development

Lim Lan Yuan  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 127-138, 2001


Quality Transnational Education: A Shared Commitment for Sustainable Development [Theme issue]

UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education [Romania].-- In: Higher Education in Europe, vol. 27, no. 3, 2002

CONTENTS: The Impact of globalization on the Ibero-American virtual university ( M.Casas Armengol); Developing a sustainable educational process in Indonesia: a project of the Global Dialogue Institute (L.Marion); The Implications of e-learning (F.F.Kelly); The National accreditation system for higher education institutions in Russia (Y.P.Pokholkov, A.I.Chuchalin and S.B.Mogilnitsky); The "Millennium Intent": A case study in assuring quality international standards for educating healthcare professionals (S.M.Goldsmith); Accreditation and quality assurance in Europe (H.Sebkova); Educating leaders in developing nations (R.Henderson); Quality measures in distance learning (W.J.Husson and E.K.Waterman); Planning for the internationalization of a postgraduate professional degree programme in Library and information science (V.L.Gregory and S.R.Wohlmuth); Articulating the Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services of the Association of Colleges and Research Libraries outside the library profession (H.R.Gover); Pitfalls, challenges, and triumphs: issues in an international capacity development project (A.Erasmus); The Global forces affecting the education sector today - the universities in Europe as an example (B.Brock-Ume); A comparative overview of some fundamental aspects of university management as practiced in several European countries (S.Zaharia); How the public views the Swiss higher institutes (J-P.Antonietti,F.Crettaz von Roten and J-P.Leresche); Changes in Slovenian higher education: governance, autonomy, admission, and quality (P.Zgaga).


The Reform of the university

Morin, Edgar  / UNESCO. In: Sustainable development: education, the force of change, p. 17-25.-1999


The role of the university in sustainable development: challenge and opportunities

Romero M., José Raymundo  / International Association of Universities.-- In: Higher Education Policy, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 26-29, December 1995


Science education and sustainable development

UNESCO. Director-General, 1987- [Mayor, F.].-- In: The UNESCO courier, vol. 49, 12, pp. 38-39, 1996


Scientific research and sustainable human development in the Republic of Moldova (Recherche scientifique et épanouissement de la personnalité humaine dans la République de Moldavie)

Andries, A.  / UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education [Romania].-- In: Higher education in Europe; Enseignement supérieur en Europe, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 117-123, 1995

MEETING: International Workshop on Academies in Transition. Sinaia, Romania, 1995.

CONTENTS: Independence and transition to a market economy have led to economic decline in the Republic of Moldova. Scientific research directed at sustainable human development is the key to economic renewal. As Moldova must import most of its energy, a major task is to reduce energy consumption through improved energy efficiency. Since the basic source of national wealth is agriculture, the development of derivatives of agriculture, such as the bio-chemical industries, the pharmaceutical industry, the perfume industry, and the veterinary sciences should be stressed as well as components of information technology in which Moldova has a lead. As the premier research organization of Moldova is its Academy of Sciences founded in 1946, it should channel its best efforts into the economic development of the country through science.


Seminario internacional "Cátedras da UNESCO para o desevolvimiento sustentavel"

Ramalho Filho, Rodrigo  / Regional Centre for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean [Venezuela].-- In: Revista educación superior y sociedad, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 117-132, 1993

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: UNESCO Chair for Sustainable development.


Should the higher education sector embrace sustainability ?

Martin, Stephen; Jucker, Rolf  /  Institution of Environmental Sciences [UK]. - In: Environmental Scientist, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 14. 2002

Le Sommet mondial pour le développement durable

Dodds, Felix  / Programme des Nations Unis pour le développement -- In: Coopération Sud, no. 2,

pp. 115-127, 2001


The space of flows, the rules of play, and sustainable urban design: the sustainability game as a tool of critical pedagogy in higher education

Yanarella, Ernest J.; Levine, Richard S.; Dumreicher, Heidi  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1,

pp. 48-66, 2000


Une stratégie universitaire: oeuvrer à une égalité sociale pour un développement durable. Le cas du Dodécanèse en grèce

Theodoropoulou, Helena; Xanthacou, Yota; Kaila, Maria  / University of Namur [Belgium]. Programme of Research and Liaison between Universities for Development [PRELUDE].-- In: Prelude, no. 45,

pp. 7-14, 2003


Strategies for building indigenous science and technology capacity in the South for sustainable development

Hassan, Mohamed H.A.  / Third World Academy of Sciences [Italy].-- In: TWAS Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 1-3, 1992


A strategy to accelerate the shift to sustainability through higher education

Clugston, Richard M.  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future [USA].-

In: The Declaration, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 1,3, 1998


Sustainability? Never heard of it!: Some basics we shouldn't ignore when engaging in education for sustainability

Jucker, Rolf / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future. - International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 8-18,  2002


Sustainability and Education: To Sink--or To Swim?

Thom, David.-- In: European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 21, no. 4,  pp. 347-52, Dec 1996

CONTENTS: Explains that engineering education is in search of a new rationale because of changes wrought by social concerns for the environment at both the local and global levels. Argues that the changes needed are too fundamental and the rate of change too great to be dealt with adequately by adaptation.


Sustainability and Higher Education: Initiatives and Agendas [Theme issue]

International Association of Universities.-- In: Higher Education Policy, vol. 15, no. 2, 2002

CONTENTS: Introduction: higher education for sustainable development (P.B.Corcoran,W.Calder and R.Clugston); Definitions and frameworks for environmental sustainability in higher education (T.S.A.Tarah); "Sustainability" in higher education: from doublethink and newspeak to critical thinking and meaningful learning (A.E.J.Arjen and B.Jickling); Shifting sights: the cultural challenge of sustainability (K.Thaman); Advancing sustainability in higher education: issues and opportunities for research (J.Fien); Institutional assessment tools for sustainability in higher education: strengths, weaknesses, and implications for practice and theory (M.Shriberg); Sustainability and peace in Costa Rica: the case of University of Costa Rica (A.Mata Segreda); Sustainable development in higher education in Russia: the case of St. Petersburg State University (L.A.Verbitskaya,N.B.Nosova and L.L.Rodina); Sustainable development in higher education in the Philippines: the case of Miriam College (V.M.Segovia and A.P.Galang); Phases, levels and circles in policy development: the cases of higher education and environmental quality assurance (D.Huitema, M.Jeliazkova and D.F.Westerheijden).


Sustainable chemistry: an analysis of the concept and its integration in education

Van Roon, André; Govers, Harrie A.J.; Parsons, John R.; Van Weenen, Hans  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future [USA].-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 161-179, 2001


Sustainable development [Annual convocation]

Nadkarni, M.V.  / Association of Indian Universities.-- In: University News, vol. 39, no. 16, pp. 15-18, 2001


Teaching sustainable development

Egron-Polak, Eva In: Johannesburg Summit 2002: Challenges and Partnerships, pp. 92-94.-- London, Agenda Publishing, 2002


Towards a vision of a sustainable university

Van Weenen, Hans  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 20-34, 2000


UNESCO chairs for sustainable development: developing and managing knowledge creation units

Buttedahl, Paz G.  / Regional Centre for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean [Venezuela].-- In: Educación superior y sociedad, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 63-68, 1993

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: UNESCO Chairs for Sustainable Development.


UNESCO's teaching and learning for a sustainable future: a critical evaluation of underlying unsustainable progress myth

Jucker, Rolf  /  International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication [Canada]. - In: Trumpeter, vol. 19, no. 2, 2003


University-based projects for local sustainable development: designing expert roles and collective reasoning [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology]

Mieg, Harald A.  / Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.-- In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-82, 2000


University, interdisciplinarity and environmental education

Leff, Enrique  / UNESCO In: Sustainable Development: Education, the Force of Change, pp. 95-126.-- 1999

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS: Transdisciplinary Project "Educating for a Sustainable Future"[EPD].

University Action for Sustainable Development [Theme issue]

International Association of Universities. - Higher Education Policy, vol. 5, no. 1, 1992

CONTENTS: I. The Issues: Computing, communicating, educating: information technology, higher education and the environment (N.Longworth); The Red Cross and the Red Crescent: development challenges in the 1990s (I. McAllister); Sustainable development opportunities and their implications for university (S.Chidambaranathan) II. Case Studies: Servicing initiatives: the Centre for Environmental Studies at Gadjah Mada University: action for sustainable development  (M. Adnan); Building Partnership for Sustainable Development: Federal University of Mato Grosso (P.Speller); Support of sustainable development in the Institut Pertanian Bogor  (S.Arsyad); Training professionals towards environmental responsibility: how do we become literate? (A.D.Cortese); Implementing the concept of sustainable development: South Sulawesi (B.Hasanuddin; R.Lubis); III. Action: United Nations University: Academic and Institutional Development for 1991 ; The State of Environment in Indonesia: critical issues and plan of action; Halifax Declaration.


Vysokoskolské vzdelání pro trvale udrzitelny rozvoj (The University education for a sustainable development)

Moldan, Bedrich  / Univerzita Karlova [Czech Republic]. SVI Pedagogická Fakulta.-- In: Alma Mater: Revue pro Vysoké Skoly, no. 4., pp. 181-187, 1996


Why build a network about introduction of sustainable development into scientific education?

Szymkowiak, Sophie  / European Society for Engineering Education.-- In: European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 179-186, 2003

CONTENTS: More and more universities are thinking about the application of the concept of sustainable development to the education of engineers. In France, this movement generally results from isolated initiatives taken by committed individuals. In an attempt to make up lost ground, the Association pour les Pratiques du Developpement Durable has set up a working group, concerning the French engineering schools and universities which are preparing the way for the introduction of sustainable development into their teaching programmes, to pool their experience and optimize learning effects by identifying a number of principles and methods which should, in time, facilitate the spread of best practices among the members of the group and other educational establishments.






available on the IAU WEB page at:



STOCKHOLM DECLARATION, adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, June, 1972


TALLOIRES DECLARATION, adopted at the Tufts University European Center, Talloires, France, October, 1990


HALIFAX DECLARATION, follow-up to the Halifax Conference on University Action for Sustainable Development held in Halifax, December 9-11, 1991


RIO DECLARATION on environment and development, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janerio, Brazil, June 1992.


Chapter 36: Promoting Education, Public Awareness and training of AGENDA 21, the Report of the United Nations Conference on  Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992


SWANSEA DECLARATION released at the conclusion of the Association of Commonwealth Universities' fifteenth Quinquennial Conference, University of Wales August 1993, Swansea, Wales




BARBADOS  DECLARATION (on sustainable development of small Islands Developing States), Bridgetown, Barbados, May 1994


EARTH CHARTER BENCHMARK DRAFT, Reviewed and Presented during the Rio+5 Forum - March 18, 1997


THESSALONIKI DECLARATION, adopted in Thessaloniki, in December 1997


EARTH CHARTER, final document, March 2000


GHESP Lüneburg Declaration, 10 October 2001


UBUNTU DECLARATION On Education and Science and Technology for Sustainable Development,

September 2002


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