Nutritional footprint methodology for the assessment of environmental and health aspects of food consumption in the Czech Republic (TACR, 2016–2017)

The main objective of the project is to develop the concept of Nutritional footprint integrating health and envrionmental aspects of food consumption in the Czech Republic and to build up a practical online tool for the use of the concept in practice.

Financial support:

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Project duration:


Coordinator of the project in CUEC:

Dr. Dana Kapitulčinová

Project description:

Nutritional Footprint (NF) is a concept integrating a set of environmental and nutritional indicators for various foods. It is an innovative interdisciplinary approch that aims to help consumers to make informed choices among the available foods and meals with regard to their environmental and health impacts. The main objective of the project is to further develop the concept in the Czech Republic and to assess it’s potential for use here in practice. The project will include the following main steps: revision of the NF indicators, creation of a database with environmental and nutritional aspects of food groups in the Czech Republic (using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology – LCA), development of a methodological document and computing software (online calculator of Nutritional Footprint of meals).

Research team:

  • Dana Kapitulčinová
  • Jan Weinzettel
  • Miroslav Havránek
  • Iva Zvěřinová

Project outputs:

The key project outputs will be achieved in the second year of the project (in 2017):

  • -Methodology for NF calculation of meals
  • -Software for NF calculation of meals
  • -Article about the NF concept and it’s potential use in education


Charles University
Environment Centre
José Martího 407/2
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 220 199 460

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