Wealth as an obstacle and a support for environmental protection

Kaiser, F.G., Urban, J. (2024) Journal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 100, December 2024, 102449

Wealthy populations appear prone to protecting the environment. By contrast, wealthy individuals appear prone to harming it. In other words, wealth appears to have opposing effects on the environmental protection efforts of individuals and populations. In our secondary analysis of Eurobarometer data (N = 27,998) from 28 countries, we demonstrate that wealth represents a behavioral benefit that supports populations' efforts to protect the environment (e.g., via government subsidies). Wealth also represents a behavioral benefit that supports individuals’ efforts to protect the environment (e.g., by making effective home insulation affordable), but it simultaneously represents a behavioral cost that appears to prevent individuals from protecting the environment (e.g., by making excessively large homes affordable). We conclude that when behavioral scientists recognize that wealth can be a cost and a benefit simultaneously, they will ultimately understand when and why populations and individuals engage in environmentally protective actions or fail to do so.

Odkaz: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102449


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